Wednesday, June 4, 2014


After a long, long hiatus, I'm finally back on blogger and blogging. I blame the hiatus mostly on the fact that I wasn't inspired enough to create more thought-provoking posts or weird and strange dreams that seem to make no sense to me but might make sense to other people with more of a mind than I. That being said, let's dig into the title of this post. A little while ago, I'm going to say maybe two weeks ago, I was watching Michael Jackson videos which came from Weird AL parody videos of Michael Jackson videos, the curiosity of which stemmed from wanting to see how close to the source material the parodies were since that's what I think of parodies being and that's sort of what they generally are. I watched a particular video of his song "They don't care about us" and that got me to thinking just recently what the message of the song was. To me, it was clearly an oppression of human kind by human kind, as was said by the disclaimer in the beginning of the video that I had watched. Particularly, it got me to thinking that maybe the government tries or doesn't actually care about its people. I like to be optimistic and say that maybe governments and countries do care about their citizens, but have too much else to deal with outside the dangers of society. Take a problem like sexual assault for example. We all know it's bad and that sexual assault hurts everyone equally. Yes, men can get sexually assaulted too, it's not solely women. And if you're wanting me to call it "rape", I won't because I hate referring to sex crimes as "rape" since traditionally, rape meant stealing, and when it comes to sexual assaults, rape only sometimes, maybe often just steals a person's innocence or something along those lines, and I don't really like calling it its slang term because its slang, I'm a traditionalist, therefore, I don't care to use slang where it is not needed. Anyway, I read an article, a news article, rather about two women in India being sexually assaulted and then hung from a tree. The article explained the father of one of the victims demanding a federal investigation and that the police at first blew the reports of the girls being missing, because they were missing for a while before their bodies were found in such a morbid fashion. That got me to thinking too. Why on earth, was this not taken seriously? I'm sure in other countries, the law enforcement would have been on the case right as soon as it was reported, however, I also read in the article that sexual assault is very high in India, but that was just sexual assault. Yes, these two women were assaulted, but when they were reported missing, the authorities didn't get into action right away. Now, let's focus on another thing. Crime in other forms. Now, when it comes to the government and crime, the government seems largely intent on snuffing out or combating drug crimes and gang crimes. That's fairly decent, kudos to them, however, when it comes to crime, I believe that it would become much less frequent to nonexistent, and oh boy would that be a haven, if technology were to develop and extremely rapid response system. This would, unfortunately to some tinfoil wearing people, call for a system like the infamous Big Brother. Wherein, cameras would be implanted absolutely everywhere and that jazz. However, people would be upset, yes, because it would take away certain rights and violate privacy. But, bear in mind that in this fictitious, hypothetical rapid response system, that privacy would be sacrificed, yes, but also be benefited by a much greater security. Say, someone was shot in a street somewhere during a cold or warm evening or whatever, cameras would be filming it and while the criminal is running away, the sirens would already be in the person's earshot. In my opinion, I would gladly give up my privacy to be able to live in the comfort of knowing that my city is protecting me very well from these possible threats. I'd just be uncomfortable if there were even cameras in restrooms where I would be alleviating myself and there would be a camera or two on me. Not like that's suspicious or entertaining at all, really. It's just some schmuck taking a dump, what else is there to look at, the book I'd probably be reading? Unless Big Brother's into history, I doubt they'd find reading over my shoulder on the porcelain throne any entertaining or suspicious. When it comes to something like house fires or something of that sort, the cameras could catch what causes a fire to begin with and that would alert the fire department. To me, that would be a much better system than a fire alarm system. That's my opinion on governmental security, now let's talk about insecurities. The kinds that people want justified or seek help for. Like, say, insecurities about personal securities. That would be paranoia at its finest, yes, but I also read an article about a thing called the men's rights movement and how it's basically an internet thing contained in social media with dudes venting their insecurities and pointing fingers to feel justified. Psychologically, when you're insecure about someone or something, you point your dirty, greasy or cheeto-dusted finger at whatever it is you're insecure about and make that particular noun the bad guy and that makes you feel better. But it's not necessarily helping you in the long run. That's just making you kind of a jerk. Racism is another thing.It's an insecurity. When people find something wrong, by people, I mean racists, they point their fingers and blame the other races because that makes them feel special and everyone likes feeling special because it makes your problems came out form under you, like the fancy waiter being fancy in swiping a table cloth from a table while their stuff all over it and not sending the stuff into his face. But it doesn't help. I'm kind of getting off an a tangent and I may be kind of off the wall, but I'm out of practice so excuse me for that, princess. Anyway, long story short, security is necessary, the government can sometimes care and sometimes make it seem like it doesn't care, yadda yadda. Good day. Also, I don't like facebook anymore because I've become socially phobic so I'm no longer posting these updates to my facebook and I apologize. Once I get better and feeling like sifting through posts about how much happier people are than I am, I'm nto posting these to facebook.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Weird resort dream!

This morning I had a weird dream. Quite lengthy, but weird. It started out with me talking to my mother about whether or not she should accompany me for this trip. I said that I would go alone. A decision I would come to regret for this resort trip thing. So I went and then I found myself in a pool area. I was trying to do something there, I've no idea what, because i dived in then quickly swam back up, there was an instructor there for some reason, i don't know what and then I clung to this railing along the edge and walked along this little tiny edge all around the pool and then I got to a bunch of sort of submerged beach charis. they were all white and I was deciding on whether or not I should go and have a nice seat in one and then I saw two girls frequently looking at me and talking about me. Apparently I was rooming with them or rather was supposed to be and left their butts for another room all for my self. Apparently they had left their things in their room and decided to make me clean their entire room for them after they had acquired their things and left. How rude!
So I found myself cleaning an oddly ergonomically designed pink toilet with paper towels and junk and this is also where I figure out why the mean girls were talking about me the way they were. I saw myself grab a luggage bag from outside a room and heard a narration that said "Deciding not to room with the two girls, you picked up your belongings and got your own room. Maybe now you'll be able to enjoy the trip?" and then it came back to the toilet and then a bunch of people came in and got friendly with me while I barely said a word and just did what they wanted of me which was the whole shaking hands and pounding fists thing. Whatever, right, readers? And that's about all there is to my dream. Had I had my mother accompany me, she probably would have helped me in the pool thing and defended me when the two girls decided it was a good idea to treat a guy who wanted nothing to do with them like absolute crap because apparently i treated them like crap by deciding to have nothing about them.

So, long awaited, long overdue, hey this blog's back everyone! yeah, I decided that after waking up from a whole series of short dreams that I'd write this one down because it was the one I had just before waking up just now and decided i'd better share this thing since I hadn't updated in forever and a day.

Until the next time,
Yours Truly

Friday, March 1, 2013

Family Matters: Whether ya like it or not!

This post will be part of a three part weekend special I will be doing celebrating my finally writing again.
It will consist of Family opinion, my essay On the Human Mind and a special Q&A post.

I thought long and hard after college today about what my opinions are with proper families and crap. Thus, I came to the conclusion that I should probably say a little something about what my opinions are about family structures. So, in my opinion, a good family of human beings should consist of a mother, a father, and at the very least, one child. The said parents should both have good, paying jobs and both out of college and all that jazz. basically, responsible, working, mannerly adults. A family should consist of two parents to provide the roles of father and mother for the children they will have. I know there is a stupidly high divorce rate in this country because of many things, finances being one, probably. But honestly, if you can afford the get married and get divorced, why couldn't you afford to work with a spouse and have a family? Both parents should be fully invested in each other, so as to not divorce each other and break up a home and the children's childhoods, leading the broken down children to do bad things and any parent knows they don't want their kids doing bad, because then that makes the parent look bad too. I know, we're getting to the prospect of one parent families being a social norm and I was raised by my mother being my only parent and I really shouldn't wanna enforce a two-parent family if I was raised by my mother being my only parent and my grandmother being there as well. Still, I just feel like if people want babies, they have to wait until they get a college degree and a steady, good job and a partner that will stay with them in their home to also provide for the child. No running out of that deal, guys.....and gals....Point being, Family: mother, Father, Son, maybe Daughter, nay son and Daughter or Daughter and Daughter or heaven forbid a dozen whining children.

Seeya Saturday,

Yours Truly

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Birthday blog: More on the individual soul(12/2/12

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me. I am an adult. I'm turning twenty. I don't give a crap.
Hint: It would make a lot more sense if you sang it in the "birthday song tune"

Joking aside, today's blog will be more on the very theme of the very essay that opened the door to my philosophy. The individual spirit. This time, I'll attempt to make points on self-reliance, the theme and very essay that started everything for me.

Mr. Emerson's essay Self-Reliance, even as an excerpt was the catalyst that I needed to wake up from my slumber of talents and be able to find a means of exploiting them. Self-Reliance is the ability to depend on one's own self and to become independent in every sense of the word, at least to me. Ever since I've given up sexuality, I've deeply embraced the idea of being by myself and being truly independent. Being independent in my opinion is also the humorous inability to take crap from anybody, even if you're working for a company and you got a grouchy boss, you can't take crap from that person when you have the spirit of independence burning inside you.

Even though I say a lot about independence, I feel myself that I do not believe I can be independent from my mother just yet. I feel like I have a ways to go, even though today is my birthday and I'm turning twenty by the end of the night. That';s just me though, I believe that I'll be able to one day go out into the world and give it heck with all i got. I'll get myself a nice house and a nice life until I meet my grave in the distant future. I may never have children of my own or a legacy, but at least I'll have enjoyed life a successful-in-mind-and-spirit man.

I want you readers to keep on keeping on and keep doing what you are doing to become independent individuals. Never stoop so low as tyo put on a facade that isn't who you are. be yourself and no one else, only you can be you and others may make fun of you, but they're just jealous that you're yourself. Never give into pressure and keep being yourself, readers, that's the best advice I can give to anyone, even if they've heard thousands of times before me.

Never be anyone else but yourself,

Yours Truly

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I took control of my dream

This blog post is being written just after I woke up from a most unusal dream, in which, i took control of it. Specifically, it's length.

It started with a weird game show host-looking guy telling an audience that if they do something, i actually forgot what it was, that they would a jetski and matching boat, runneruups would win twenty-five thousand dollars. I guess I undertook that contest as I then went to a random wrestling match where one of the wrestlers kept having flashbacks while he did his own thing. I was somehow able to see these flashbacks that were all flashbacks of his entire wrestling career apparently.

Shortly after that, I was on a street, it was dark and it looked really late at night. I'm guessing I was with a police officer because I was getting out of a polie cruiser with this police officer woman when an old time horse carriager drew past us. the carriage itself was all black and it was being pulled by a couple of all brown horses. There indeed was a rider, and I heard in my head the game show host from before saying that if I stole any one of the two vehicles near me, which I'm assuming he meant the buggy because there would be no way even in my dreams, I would steal a police car for fifty thousand dollars. not even for a hundred million either. So I just ran off straight ahead of me, leaving the scenery behind and suddenly I was in my home, apparently chasing one of my cats named Gizmo around for some odd reason.

I remember I felt myself smiling in my dream and I pushed back the drying machine and found a large pile of what appeared to be bright gray whatever, I'm assuming it's litter or something, I have no idea and I called to Gizmo and Gizmo jumped ight out of the pile and ran away so i gave him chase and then I saw running to my left was a police officer, what was a police officer doing phasing through my whole kitchen and why was I so distracted by this person? Then I was in a dark parking lot, it was leading out of some kind of place, I'm assuming it was a strip club because I had strip club in my mind for where I was right at that moment.

I was with two other men. A really tal musclebound dude and another guy around my height. We were apparently leaving the club or whatever place and getting ready to go to a very nice party, parked all alone in the parking lot that looked indoors, but was really surrounded by a whole building, I'd say, because I ran around it late, was a most unusual car. What was unusal about it was that it was a rainbow colored car. It was some type of sports car, but I'm not sure of what it was. Inside however were three fancy suits for the three of us and so we decided to put them on, when I heard a female's voice say "Stop! Don't get in that car!" And one of the guys told me to run and so I ran, almost right into the source of the voice as it seemed to get closer and teeling me to stop and so I quickly turned around and ran straight into the building, I appeared in a hallway that was filled with other people that dressed nice and everything, but despite having the idea that at that exact moment, I was running through a strip club, I thankfully didn't see any nude women or men anywhere and then I ran into a couple of lady nurses moving a patient on a table around. What was this doing in a strip club? I'd say this somehow led into my next segment.

I tried to quickly get around the two and I said "excuse me, I need to get through, I'm in a hurry" ad got around them, but I just find myself seated in a room, I was apparently seated on an exam table, I couldn't tell where I was, but the female voice I heard in the parking lot was connected to a redheaded woman that was now standing in front of me with my mother to her left in front of me as well. She told me my entire dream lasted perhaps two minutes. Okay. what they hay here lady, you're not supposed to track the length of my dream. and then I nodded and said with slowly slurred speech "yes, I'd say two minutes as well" and this is where I tok control of my dream. I felt as if I would wake up there at that moment, but I actually stayed within the confines of my dream, even as I started to feel my own body in the real world under my blanket, she was then asking me questions about previous dreams that I was consciously aware of and felt myself actually thinking back to those dreams as I answered them. I told her about my suspesce thriller series of dreams and then the top half of my vision suddenly tinted in a blue square and I tried to look down to ignore it, but then the whole dream clouded up and I slowly opened my own eyes.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

One the consciousness of all animals

Today's post will be about universal consciousness. Which has actually been something I thought about since my philosophy class had a couple of lectures on computers and consciousness. Really invoked when someone said that animals are purely instinctive and nothing else and I came up with ideas to challenge that idea. What those ideas are, are seen here.

This post stemmed from the idea stated above, given that animals other than humans are purely instinctive creatures that lack any kind of free will. Sure, this may seem evident in animals that go on migrations to mate every year, but I am sure there at least some speck of some kind of freedom in these creatures.

You can watch a pet, a cat, pr dog and view how they go about things. Sure, they will want to do what they were originally bred for, but that does not mean that dogs will always be instinctively happy to see their owners or that cats will always instinctively want to claw up your furniture. As a budding philosopher. O have the belief that all animals have some kind of free will about them, even though it may not seem evident in them some of the time they are being studied. Going back on pets, when they are injured in some way, they will yell out in pain, just like a human would. Does this mean that it is instinctive? Perhaps. I know I would yell really loudly if I were a cat and had my tail stepped on.

However, it seems to me that animals are beginning to show that they do indeed have some kind of free will. like chimps or octopi. it has been documented that chimps now seek caves to hide in from the glaring sun, first signs of higher intelligence? Many scientists believe so, but I believe that this is some kind of sign of a free will. The only more thought-provoking one is the fact that chimps have been documented to use sticks as spears to hunt other animals in order to consume them. This should be a sign of free will, since it is not that they would instinctively want to hunt down other animals simply to devour their tasty flesh, they could always live on fruits and other things. I still believe this is free will here.

Also octopi. It has also been documented that octopi are beginning to learn the use of tools in the wild. There has been evidence shown that a wild octopus was seen carrying two coconut halves and racing back to its home in order to use the coconut halves in some way, probably for the instinctive use of taking cover from predators. Now the octopus that was seen doing this might not have even wanted to use this coconut. but it apparently developed some kind of thought that made it see that it was a good idea to try and use these things that were dropped to the bottom of the ocean floor somehow in some way. This is clearly free will to me. Maybe not to the rest of you, but I'd like to think so.

Short, sweet, to the point, just like how I like to make my arguments on things. This is quite simply my view on animals, but as the idea behind my blog title goes, I've written these ideas purely to share with others and how you, the reader perceives these views, is up to you.

 Let's see what I'll write about next,

Yours Truly

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Life, expressions, journeys, roads, and the making of an individual

People always say their own things and have their own opinions about life. How it is dealt with, how it is perceived, and all of these other things that go into people's opinions. What most people seem to think from my observations is how life is essentially lived.
    What most people like to think of life as is some sort of journey or anything of those sorts such as the aforementioned journey. Others like to think of it as a sort of road, others like to think of it as an experience of sorts as well. I have also heard once of life being a dash. But a sprints, dashes, runs, journeys, roads, mountains, and hills aside, the real thing that life can be in my opinion is what one makes of their life. Life is not the journey or the destination, life is how one chooses to live. People will always have their opinions and their will always be people that agree with what you have to say and their will be people opposite that. How you choose to take these kinds of people and situations is rightfully how you choose to live.
    I'm not saying that what I'm writing here today is what life should be portrayed as and I most certainly can not say that I have found the meaning of life, because that is something that is actually a thing that one must answer themselves. Life doesn't really have a legitimate solid meaning. How one chooses to perceive their life is their answer to that question and there is simply no right or wrong answer. What you make of yourself today will be the you that you have chosen for tomorrow. Life will never be easy, there will always be the hard things and also the easy things as well. Life will have its fond memories and moments as well as its dark. This is why one must do what they can each day to make themselves feel at home in their world and to make others feel just as bright. You can live life with a smile on your face everyday until your face is frozen in that state, but it is really what you do to make yourself noticed in this wide world and what you do to express who you are among countless other people that really makes who you are. You can even live life in the facade of something that is completely not what you truly feel that you are.
     I can personally sit here all day and say how I have missed countless moments in life to make friends and be recognized and have warm and pleasant memories, many more than I have now at this moment in time, but the real point here is that I want you, the readers to feel that you are special. Even if you are down on your luck and feel that the very earth is against you in every way and even if others are making you feel sad, you just have to note that you have made yourself off to be a much person than at least I have shown to others. You had that certain ability to express who you truly are. You have made many friends while I only made so few of them and got to just learn the names of many others. You have had more fond memories than I have at least made for myself.
     Just don't think for a moment that I am an unhappy person, because I am at the very least at peace with myself. I know who I am, and I have only just learned how to express myself. I am just one person in a world of billions of human beings choking out other animals on a planet that has become far too crowded for humans.
   To end this all off, you make yourself the person that you are. Those close to you can only lay down the mold of you. Life is not a journey or a road or anything. Life is how you make yourself out to be. We must all try to live our lives as best as we can, because the time we have created as humans, waits for no one.

Live your life, not some one else's,

Yours Truly