Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fighting vampires in the 19th century is fun

I had a particularly weird dream this morning. As the title suggests, the dream detailed fighting a vampire in what appeared to be the nineteenth century, I have a feeling it was more eighteenth century, but I don't really care at the moment, what I do care about is that I fought a vampire that was trying to kill people, OK.

The story

The story plays out like this. it appeared to be in the middle of Spring and the dream started where there was a girl wearing a blue dress her hair was a deep brown color and her eyes were bright green, skin fair and white, she was also wearing a deep purple cloak for no apparent reason, that was walking down what appeared to be a grassy field of sort, although the narrow expanse of my field of vision at that point made the strip of grassy field just look like my back yard without all it has. As she was walking, she was approached by a tall and sophisticated gentleman that was dressed in period black attire. He also had black smooth back hair and his skin was quite pale. The day was bright and sunny and it was daytime, the gentleman I am describing is indeed our vampire, but I have no idea why he wasn't burning up in the sunlight, and he clearly wasn't a Twilight Saga vampire either since no part of him sparkled like the surface of a diamond in sunlight. Back to the dream, the girl tried running away and the gentleman then reveals to us that he is indeed our vampire by baring his fangs, grabbing the poor girl, tilting her head slightly to an angle and biting into her neck. Now most of you readers with any knowledge of vampires would know that our vampire probably would have sucked the blood out of the victim and turned her into a vampire as well, but our vampire did neither of those things, what he did was appear to extract blood from her, but she vanished into thin air and he caught the cloak she was wearing! He then smiled widely and wrapped the cloak around himself and proceeded toward, I'll say it's the camera, and we jump to our next location, it's in a house, and the vampire has chased a couple more girls including the hero, me, into an attic much like my own, just completely empty. What's interesting about this part is that he does unfortunately bite and make another girl vanish, but once he closes in on me and the other girl whom were back into what would have been the front of my house, but where I looked then, which was behind me, I saw that the room that appeared to be my attic had a whole other floor beneath it, but I saw nothing but the same floor, a metal contraption down there and that was basically it, then the girl screamed and I decided to intervene, I got up and punched the vampire in his face before he could reach the girl, then I grabbed his face and punched his left eye and then dashed his face a couple of time into the wall behind me, then I put him into a headlock and put his face to a window where light was shining through, he didn't burn up, but he did scream enough to emphasize pain. After that was done, I still kept him in a headlock and I actually opened the window. I pulled up the blind, opened the first window and unlocked and opened the second eindow before taking the vampire and shoving him through the open window, all the while, he never fought back or even touched the girl since she was right next to me. I could complain all I must, but this is merely my dream and I have informed you readers of it, because it is so strange that I had to share it with you.

Going to read Walden,

Yours Truly

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas post

I really wanted to, I simply had to, you probably wanted it, I did it. A post on Christmas! Now Santa Claus, being called St. Nicholas was actually a saint, he became famous for saving some sisters from going into prostitution just to support themselves, and we now know St. Nicholas as the patron saint of prostitutes, yeah, Santa is always jolly for that reason. How St. Nicholas became our Santa Claus came from a book written a long time ago that detailed St. Nicholas as a jolly large man that drove around in a sleigh pulled by eight tiny reindeer, I'd hate to have been one of the tiny reindeer... the art of decorating a Christmas tree, the tree in general, came from Martin Luther, the famous religious reformer who lived in the 17th century. He one day became so fascinated by the stars in the night sky that he decorated a tree with candles, and that the Christmas tree came to America through a German immigrant who brought his old country's tradition of decorating a Christmas tree with him and it caught on. However, the Christmas tree dates back even further to pagan traditions, since the tree itself, which was an evergreen, was associated with life and to give them hope for spring during the harsh winters.

So that's a Christmas post, I hope you readers liked it and enjoy the holidays.

See you later,

Yours Truly

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's almost Christmas

Has anyone reading this done any holiday shopping? Well my family hasn't even touched the Christmas decorations since we're all flat broke so that leads mother and grandmother into say it's going to be a "small Christmas" this year. I have a feeling they're going to say something like that every year from now on, since it was the same last year. As for me, detailing a Christmas list was like pulling teeth, even for me. I was perfectly content with everything I had and I genuinely had no idea what type of material possession would benefit me most besides sleeping clothes which I really need more than want.

Big news though, I've started work on a new essay detailing man's behavior in this day and age, I've also started writing down philosophies that we can all live by, and I've also started writing down a truly awe-inspiring follow-up to my original essay, Our Own Choice.


Yours Truly

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm back

I'm back readers. I've recovered from my illness and I'm still suffering from congestion and a scratchy throat here and there. Nothing a drink can't soothe to me anyway. Besides that, I have excellent news to share with you.

Yesterday when I came back to school from being two days absent, the commercial arts teacher came up to me in my lunch period and told me how much he liked my article in the school newspaper. I was inwardly joyous to hear such good news! I can only hope that on Monday, I will hear even more good reviews from people who have stumbled upon my article and liked it. Then again, what's there not to like? It's an article completely different from what anyone has ever seen, it's my school wide philosophical enlightenment project dubbed "The Evergreen" and with it, I will provide all of Burlington City High School a brand new way of thinking of the likes that they've never seen before.

See you soon,

Yours Truly

Friday, December 3, 2010

It came as quickly as it started

I've finished with Tears of Rose Red, and I have to say, it turned out quite nicely as it was a very short work. Short in terms of completion. However, that's how things are I suppose. As of now, things are looking quite up. I started asking for help in school like I'm supposed to, it's my blog's 100th post, I'm doing everything I'm assigned to do in school and I feel very happy. Aside from being the age of my least favorite number... ugh, hate that number! Other things. I probably will not release my latest dark poem tomorrow, I probably won't release it Sunday. I really do not care when I post it.


Yours Truly

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Birthday and other things

Hey readers, today's my birthday and according to my mom, I was officially eighteen years of age at 9:35. By the time I will have posted this, that would have passed, I type too slow.

The other thing

The other thing I have to talk about is I started writing a new dark poem called Tears of Rose Red which is a poem about the narrated life of one man's suffering living alone in a house of beatings and cruel, unrelenting torture.


Yours Truly

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Home sick

Today I stayed home sick with a very bad back, diarrhea, a fever, and nausea. I've no idea what caused this type of ailment, but tomorrow will be my birthday. Nothing to really look forward to there. just growing another year closer to death.


Yours Truly