Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 3

Day three and I've completed most of the work given to me. Only thing is, I'm a little worried about overall failing the course again since I didn't get a driver's manual.

Hoping to pass,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 2

Work, work, work, work, work, and more work. That's all that day 2 of the torture that has been and will be in "Driver's education summer boot camp wish you had passed the class... class". I will get to work on my things that I wanted to work at home with and tomorrow I shall have a driver's manual within my physical grasp. If not, I shall look it up on the infinite and dark resource that is the internet.

Until then,

Yours Truly

P.S: While hard at work in today's class, I couldn't help but keep on recalling an anime I've taken a liking to online called Gun X Sword and revel in the show's excellent plot and characters. It even threw in an antagonist like no other. A villain that's not only a ruthless killer, but also a really nice guy! It's amazing what people can do to tell stories, isn't it readers?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 1

Day one of driver's education has come to a long close. Luckily for me, it only lasts but one week. Sadly for me, there is much work that is expected. Hopefully all of this work doesn't choke me out.

Waiting for the five days of dread to come to a close,

Yours Truly

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Philosophy takes the wheel

Tomorrow I will be taking driver's education for the next 6 weeks. Ugh, driving. To me it is pointless if you have seen the road enough and seen signs enough to understand them that everything they teach you is just common sense. But unfortunately, New Jersey schools do not work like that. They put it into their schools' curriculum to teach driver's education. Everyone in the country always cracks jokes about New Jersey's bad driving so why would they even bother teaching the safety of the road if those idiots are just going to be reckless on the road anyway?
However, credits were withheld from me because I did not bother with learning to drive because I had it in my mind that if I never even want to get behind a wheel because of how scary the reality of driving a car can get to be, that learning to drive is just pointless. I also thought that a great mind does not need to get behind the wheel of an automobile to reach its destinations, a philosopher can walk within the walls confining his city, but his mind is always free to wander beyond the boundaries he sees.

Hoping time will fly quickly so I can enjoy summer,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Post # 60

Today's blog entry will be about people, society, and morals.

A lot of things in ancient society that was just like your average homicide case or gang shooting are considered very wrong and absolutely insane. To me, before Christ, it seemed like the world and societies were just fine.
To begin with, the act of incest, now considered the most taboo of anything any man, woman or child can perform is very immoral. However, royalties have done this in the past in order to retain are pure bloodline and the very rich have done this to make sure that their fortune belonged to the family name forever. Though, incest wasn't as taboo as it is in today's world as it was back in ancient societies, at least that's what I think. I think incest was just fine back then. Even so, it should not be wrong to charge incest as a crime against society. Incest is a form of love, even if it is within one's own bloodline. If someone is madly in love with their sister, brother, mother, or father, it should not matter if it is right or wrong. To arrest people and strip them of their love to one another, is just pure cruelty. If incest is an act of going against society, society should have no right to separate lovers. It is your problem and not mine.
Next, is public urination. If it is witnessed, people would probably be fined and arrested on charges of destruction of public property. Again, this kind of moral behavior to me should be an example of "Your problem, not mine" sort of thing.
Then, I want to explain how people think about others' actions and how morals can really be verified. Morals, I would like to think, are not really society's principles or anything. The morals we go by today are a result of society drilling this into our minds. How I would like everyone to someday believe or understand is that we do not need to think the way society really wants us to, but we should think of the world with our own ideals and beliefs. If the world were to be without set morals, I think the world would be a somewhat easier place to live, but I also think it would be more chaotic too. Whatever the case may be. Say I were to kick my dog in front of a group of other people who just happened to be walking by or standing around conveniently there to witness the event. Now, the first thing they would probably say would be "Oh my, that poor dog!" or "What a cruel man!". To me, that is an example of how morals written by society work. Without those kinds of morals, it wouldn't become a legal issue. If I were to kick my dog and someone would witness it, it would become legal. However, that is an act of invasion of one's own business as I might say. If you were to witness me kicking my dog and you didn't have society's written morals within you, you would just leave things be. If the said dog was biting my shoe or even if my pant leg was caught in its mouth, I would be kicking it for a plausible reason, to get whatever it may be, dislodged from the canine's mouth.
Finally, to conclude my entry, I would like to leave you readers off with the note that what I have written is actually how I have viewed the world even in youth. This is why I didn't care for most things people took to heart, like the Michael Vick case with the dog fighting. It was his and the dog fighters' own entertainment and their responsibility. It was society's wrongdoing for invading his privacy and all that nonsense. I am not saying society is wrong by arresting him for this, but I am just pointing this out to prove my philosophy of morals is that morals shouldn't be what society wants you to think. And that anything you do that may be wrong to others but fine with you, is your problem and that others should have no right charging you wrongly for your actions. If members of society were to live by their own rules and we still have the same establishments as now, like schools, police stations, hospitals and fire stations, I think the world would be much more at ease and that people could live their lives peacefully as they want to.

If you think my message is wrong, shame on you,

Yours Truly

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer school

I have to freaking take it AGAIN! All because I freaking failed driver's education for ONE marking period! It shouldn't freaking matter anyway! I already agreed when I made my schedule for next year that I was going to take it over again, so what is the freaking point if I have to take it over again? Why should I go to summer school again just because I failed something for one marking period? I hate this freaking state! I hate NEW JERSEY!

Looking to hire a lawyer,

Yours Truly

Friday, June 18, 2010

Can't sleep

I woke up at four in the morning for some reason and just couldn't go back to sleep. I'm still a bit tired and everything, but I just wanted to write about this in today's blog entry. As far as Virtues can go, I would say it's on hiatus right now and it kind of feels bad to put it that way. What am I going to do about it? I just can not come up with anything good to write about on that one.

Until then,

Yours Truly

Thursday, June 17, 2010


The 15th marked the official start of my summer and it was great to finally relax and get some peace of mind from school. lately, I've been at a writer's block with both blogs, so I do apologize for being absent from posting in them. If you readers can give me suggestions of virtues, I will greatly appreciate the help.

Looking for a sledge hammer to tear the wall of writer's block,

Yours truly

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A long dream

Today before waking up officially, I woke up around 8 and went back to sleep and I ended up having a ridiculously long dream about taking a car ride across the country and I woke up at 8:41. 41 minutes I had been asleep, and 41 minutes I had a dream that felt like it had taken hours to play. I suppose dreams can feel that way sometimes too.

Waiting for morrow,

Yours Truly

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Today I found the milk carton in my fridge completely full, when I was sure it was almost done from my brother inhaling it. When I saw that the carton of skim milk was instead half empty, I grew suspicious that someone in the house and filled up the regular milk milk with the skim milk that was barely ever drank. However, I put the suspiciously refilled milk into my coffee and it was just fine. Only now, I'm too scared to drink the rest of it, because that milk might actually be skim and I hate skim milk with a passion. With me, it's either go fat or go back to the dairy farm.

Looking to hire a detective agency,

Yours Truly

Friday, June 11, 2010

The point

Today I had my English final and I have to say it was a bit hard to swallow when that final was over. I was never going to see my English teacher again. Seeing as she was the first of my philosophy supporters and stuff, that does mean something to me. Naturally I never showed anything about it because I am of course a person whose emotions are invisible. Aside from this, I know in the following year, I probably will not have any supporters in any of my teachers, but I am going to try to be on the school newspaper and hopefully I can gain even more supporters than now. But, knowing the way the school is, they'll just pay attention to the sports. This is only natural, whatever happens, happens. It only abides by my theory of natural activity.

Pondering plans for summer,

Yours Truly

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Today went like any other day, I have managed to add one more section to my essay "Slowly Dying Inside: The thorough explanation of death and what it means". If anything, it was just a normal day, but only filled with more inspiration to my works. Now the question that is surrounding me since summer school is obviously not in my summer schedule this year is "What do you plan on doing this summer?". As for that, I can not completely answer that question exactly as how I want it. I do say that I am just going to continue writing my blog and writing more essays, but I do not think that should be all I do, I think I should do something physical and fun, like maybe take a walk around my city every once in a while or enjoy some down time at a park somewhere. I think I should be more active this summer and not stay cooped up like a bird in its cage. I have to do something rewarding outside the house. As a transcendentalist, I should connect with nature, and enjoy the outdoors like my hero Henry David Thoreau.

Trying to plan my summer,

Yours Truly

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The start of Finals as a philosopher

Today I will be going to my first period finals. This will be a ground breaking event for me because it will be the first time doing such a thing in my new life as a philosopher-to-be. I hope to have much luck on this test and I hope I won't have summer school again to spoil a good summer I have planned full of philosophical journeys through my mind.

Also, did you readers check out my new blog, "Virtues"? <-----My newest blog, check it out if you haven't.

Until next time,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Insomniac arrest

I've had a bad case of insomnia this morning when I woke up at one in the morning. I tried numerous times to fall back asleep, but nothing worked. I ended up just staying up the whole rest of the way. That decision proved to be quite fatal and ambiguously consequential mistake in school.
I tried to keep myself awake during school and it didn't help at all in the classrooms I went to that were hot, they just ended up feeling like warm blankets. I also felt entirely drained of energy all through the day, I don't blame it on humidity, I'm never drained of energy in humidity.

Hoping to stay asleep tonight,

Yours Truly