Thursday, March 29, 2012

The promise and goal I kept

And also fulfilled as it may seem...

Readers, I'm glad to announce that from a bit of research and such into my development and much hard work, I think I may be finally budding my way into opening up to the world. I find myself much more at ease with me peers than ever thought possible before, being able to laugh and make jokes with them and everything else you teenagers normally do. I promised myself at the beginning of the year that seemed like it wasn't all that long ago to learn how to open myself up and ready myself for socializing for my career and independence from my mother. It has shown in numerous ways throughout the year that I have been able to open up and speak with others. Granted, it is still a bit rough around the edges and I still stay silent for most of my days during the school hours, but hey, every diamond mined is rough around its edges before it can be cut and refined and so too must my social skills be that way.
I am so very pleased with the work I have done in trying to open up and I do thank the people in school that have offered to even help me in opening up and this has been a journey all my own. I can only hope that by June 15th, I can go to project graduation and have fun with my 2012 graduating class as we all will on that glorious day and not stick with my mother the entire time. I hope to leave Burlington City High school knowing that I have done something good for myself and having worked hard at a skill all humans develop over their lives that I have completely shunned after preschool. I want to go to BCC in the fall of 2012 and show my teachers that I am a good man of good virtue and a man who once was a shy bud of a flower that needed to open up and let its petals show and I wish to show everyone my petals and flaunt my true colors because it has always been a wish of mine to be able to laugh and carouse with my peers just as I have done so many years ago. I just wish that I had gotten the right kind of motivation to be able to train myself into opening up a lot sooner in my school career than I had done. It was also a reason that I originally wanted to join the Arrowhead because I felt that if I was going to reach out to my fellow students and the staff of the school, that was the only way I was going to do it, but now, I feel that I can be able to open up and not rely so heavily on Project: Evergreen as I have done the previous year when I first joined the newspaper to start the opinion piece.

I still feel I may have a ways to go, but way to go me,
Yours Truly

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My thoughts

I guess since I'm a self-proclaimed philosopher, I should start blogging my daily thoughts throughout the day.
This day started off with trying to rework what I had through of the previous night and also trying to remember if I had a dream last night. Almost gave me a danged headache while I was getting dressed for school today. Then I watched the NC10 news with my brother the rest of the morning after breakfast and coffee. It was mostly hysterical and I had no thoughts during this time as he was making fun of the news crew, especially the female anchor who he said had a huge head and the male anchor who definitely had a huge nose. So after those jokes, we watched a human bobblehead doll and Pinnochio tell the morning news until the Today show came on at 7. Boy did I have a laugh after my brother figured out that the Today show crew perfectly resembled the news crew in family guys, for anyone who's watched Family Guy, you guys should probably know what I'm talking about.
During school, I thought about having afternoon treats with the cookies my specialty foods table packed away first period and what fun it would have been to share the cookies with my family so we can all enjoy them. Journalism class was probably the most interesting thought pattern. During Journalism, i was thinking about relations with the human race and how, if we took out certain things that affect us the most right now, how they would drastically change our daily lives as a whole. Such as paper money or religion(Be warned, I'm always thinking about how life might be different without religion). Then after first study hall, sixth period, I forgot my lunch box of cookies! Oh no! The horror, guys! It took me looking for my lunch box after my second study hall seventh period nap to figure out I had forgotten my lunchbox. No good thoughts after figuring out this dilemma, guys. It was all thoughts of how I'm such an idiot for leaving behind such delicious cookies and also of how to get them back and reclaim my lunch box. Sixth period study hall room door was locked after ninth period though. Dang nabbit!

So those were the day's thoughts. Join me next time for tomorrow's thoughts if I can remember to get them on here. At this point, in all honesty, I really need something to blog about on a daily basis.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The End

Readers, I have been hard at work revising my essay, Center of Man and let me tell you. The revisions have finally been completed. All that's left now, is to right the whole thing down on separate pieces of paper and then once that's done, I can get it onto this blog for you guys to read and enjoy. So far, it's been a wonderful journey of exploration. A lot of work has been put into the essay, I've done plenty of research on my various topics in order to back up my stances and I've cut down on dragging out the sentences in the original piece and extended the work from its original three page total to a full nine pages, front and back. It is going to be the greatest work i've ever written so far and I hope you all enjoy it as well when it's finally on the blog.

Until then,
Yours Truly