Thursday, January 27, 2011

The white blanket

Snow, snow, snow, snow, did I say it enough? Snow. To me, snow is beautiful. It's only when there's too much of it that becomes a problem. The snow today that closed my school's doors is a fine example of it being too much. Sure it's pretty, but hey, on a day like this, I'd much rather be at school then staying in the house doing nothing all day.

That's all we have time for today,

Yours Truly

Monday, January 17, 2011

Matter of fate or choice

When we envision life, we can see it as many different scenarios. However, when it comes to how we actually see life as it is, we tend to take two sides: fate, and personal choice. Others tend to believe it's all within their thoughts. Some individuals believe life is pulled by the strings of fate, others believe choice pulls life. Meanwhile, an increasing number of individuals believe that choice can steer fate. They believe that great individuals in history have practiced the technique of receiving their wishes through conscious and unconscious thoughts. Now, people all over the world believe the universe gives them whatever they desire through constantly thinking about it. The idea can be crossed over to the belief that when a person is in prayer, that God, not the universe, grants them their desires. Personally, I believe that life can indeed be a matter of personal freedom of choice, but life to me can be based on how we as individuals choose to live. It's all up to how someone chooses to believe how life is envisioned.

I know it's crap,

Yours Truly

Thursday, January 13, 2011

An essay's finally coming

I finally finished an essay on how life works. It's short, sweet, and right to the point in my opinion. I'll probably publish it tomorrow or just whenever I get around to it. I do promise you readers that Matter or fate or choice will be published in the next post and it's also the last essay in chapter 1 of my philosophy compilation book. My next essay which was also created to be an article for my opinion column in my school's newspaper will be published once that gets published to the newspaper. Surely this essay will have the widest audience out of any of my essays so far. Pretty interesting must I say.


Yours Truly

Friday, January 7, 2011

Personal Justice

I do not know what will happen with that essay, but like Center of Man, we'll just have to wait and see because I still have my two page newspaper article to get done, and if it were to be an essay, it would be the longest continuous one ever! Four pages of my views on society today!

In other news, I've organized my philosophy compilation book a couple of days ago. Which means, all of the poems and essays you have seen published here, are all under chapter one of my book, called Getting started. The ones I am currently talking about are all under chapter two: Going deeper. It's pretty interesting to have a compilation of works all sorted into chapters. So far, I see my philosophy book as a way of tracking my records. Someday my readers, it shall be published and sold to the masses. Will you buy it?

See you for a post tomorrow,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Center of Man

I decided that I could perhaps do an essay on what the title suggests. All things held ever so dearly to one's heart. It will be a truly groundbreaking essay for me. Taking on deeper and deeper ideas of humanity just seems to be my trend as of late. As for the actual essay, I really have no idea how I will be able to write an essay on such an incredible and meaningful topic as that. I hope it will be a good one myself.

Work on my article for the newspaper at my school is going quite smoothly. I took the day off from work today to read Walden, and it is fascinating so far. That man was truly a genius and I can not helped but be so mesmerized by his words in this very book. Perhaps when I'm done reading the book, I can dedicate a blog post to a review of it. Wouldn't you like that, my readers?

That's all,

Yours Truly