Friday, April 29, 2011

My company sponsored dream

Last night I had the most bizarre dream to date. I dreamt that I was walking around some sort of supermarket and I was going to all of these Coca-Cola machines and every time I opened a door to get one, the bottle was either too warm, the seal was broken, it was partially drank or whatever. I spent the whole entire dream searching up and down the store fingering through Coke bottles trying to get the right one and I never did. I have no idea why I was dreaming about having an unlucky adventure trying to buy a decent bottle of Coke when I don't even drink it all that often.

Still scratching my head about it,

Yours Truly

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Doubts: Volume 1

Here I have my doubts. I now have doubts of the glorified upper class success I have always vividly dreamed of accomplishing. Although my life is long and I believe in my work, there is no divinity in my writing. I could perhaps writed hundreds of books in my lifetime, but each book may just end up being a waste of my own embittered time. I could go to school as long as I wish, but maybe I could never reach prosperity, maybe I will be sentenced to the poorer harsher life without money and with many broken dreams I could easily accomplish. Never will I snap the reigns of hard work and dedication to move the horses of success. Here I have my doubts. Here, reality will lock the wondrous chest of fantasy.

Explanation: This whole Doubts series was just meant to take up extra space in my compilation book and was written with intentions of being read directly from the book itself. Now, the Doubts series captures the evolution of my doubts of achieving greatness. The whole basis of the series is to somehow poetically explain to the reader my doubts of ever accomplishing anything in my life.

Later friends,

Yours Truly

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Life update

Lately I've been sick and this was most of the course of my spring break mind you. Just now I have started recovering and all that. As of late though, I have been putting everything off and I apologize, I will get back on track with blog updates, especially my new essay which I can not write more of since I am officially out of pens and I only write in my philosophy compilation book with pens. I will also do a Doubts volume some time tomorrow. I have no idea. I can not even promise that.


I know this is supposed to be a philosophical blog and stuff, but let me just review to you readers the music I like. As of late, I have great interest in hard rock, goth rock, and now a fading interest in Christian rock. I had strong interest in the good clean lyrics of Christian rock and the good messages stored in the songs, but I am getting bored of almost every song I listen to about a struggle to keep faith. In my opinion, if you are struggling to keep your own faith for whatever reason, just give it up. Saves you the struggle that way. However, I have found superb interest in women fronted bands. I must say, these women know how to sing. Now would be the time to say a sexist joke, but most of my fanbase is female so I can not.

So here it is now. A list of the female fronted bands I currently enjoy.

1. Halestorm-Got interested in them yesterday and I'm already hooked. They're a good example of Pandora Radio coming along with something great. After seeing videos by the band this morning, I can say now that Halestorm is the female version of the Veer Union, my current favorite band right now.
2. Fireflight-A Christian band to say the least. About a year ago, I got completely obsessed with them on Pandora(Back when it was totally free) and now I like them just a bit. I hear them constantly on Pandora anymore. I'm comparing them to Default, over-listened, but still just as enjoyable
3. The Birthday Massacre-Goth rock band. I'll listen to them whenever I feel like getting creeped out with music. Seriously, the station I got reserved for them pumps out some creepy crap sometimes. No comparison to any favorite male bands though. If I come across a creepy male fronted band, I'll let you know.
4. In This Moment(ITM for short)-Heavy hitting hard rock baby! Sometimes metal too. I only like just a few of their songs but they're always enjoyable every time they come onto Pandora. For that, I'm gonna say they're my female Sevendust. I only like a few songs from Sevendust, so it works out.
5.Flyleaf-They're like my Nickelback really. I've listened to them entirely too much just like Nickelback and I'm getting bored of both bands but both still have my fandom anyway. They're all great people, why give them up cause I'm bored of their music?

So that's a good example of girl power right there. Maybe I will have a post on Easter. Won't that be fun? Free candy!

Free candy for Easter!

Yours Truly

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My brain writes suspense thrillers

I just woke up from part two of a very weird dream I had not too long ago. In the last dream, I was running around a huge building that seemed to me to be just all width, the ground it covered appeared to be huge and it was an arrangement of buildings that all looked identical. Why I was running around these buildings was to get away from some kind of deranged maniac(Who I'm still trying to figure out why he's Asian) who wants to kill me or hold me hostage or something. The last part, I was running through a building that had a whole maze of corridors, then I got outside and began to run at top speed, which somehow appeared to not exactly be very fast and the maniac got me, I woke up.

In this part it was a huge suspense thriller. The dream started out where I appeared to be in a sort of doctor's office. It had that all-familiar sort of table with the all familiar very noisy white paper covering and a couple of chairs, a doctor stool, a counter lined with supplies(Although the supplies were strewn all over the counter), and then there was me. I was apparently sitting through the deranged maniac having slit a guy who was apparently a comrade of mine. I never saw his face since all he was was hunched over and covered in blood. Next to me there was a woman who was apparently my other comrade. She yelled at the maniac a bit and kicked him in the face, then he left the room and I saw a golden opportunity to bolt out of there and call for help. I was running through the familiar carpeted hall that was a navy blue with the familiar green wall for a bit until when I was just about to arrive at a sliding door outside, I heard someone call to the psychotic Asian killer that I had ran away, then I quickly flung open the door and would have taken the same route as last time had I found that there was another building just over from where I left. I ram to the glass door of the other building which appaeared to be a waiting froom since from what I saw it was just a room filled with chairs and there was a very tall man in the room and I pounded the heck out of the door and screamed "Let me in!" And the guy does and just as I get in, the maniac comes in right after me, I turn to see him coming up behind me and I wake up.

Oh man! Talk about cliffhanger! I still want to know what happened! Did I get caught? Did the guy there rescue me? Did I decide to grow a pair and face the maniac head on? The first thing I thought I should have done was wrestle the knife off the maniac and stab him in the head repeatedly. But more importantly, since I think my comrades and the killer and I were the only ones in the building during part two, why then did one of my comrades want to rat me out and give me to the killer before I can get help? Perhaps my comrades reflect true human nature in the fact that no one is to be trusted in this world? Or perhaps it was another person? This may be true because the voice that called to the maniac was clearly male and my female comrade was too busy crying and being upset and my male comrade was too busy dying to want to rat me out. Perhaps this killer that wanted me so bad was working with more people that have not been revealed? I do not know. Maybe if I can ever dream of a part three, everything will be revealed to me? Maybe it will end with a happy ending? Maybe the killer will kill me and have his last laugh? Maybe the tall gentlemen who let me in will aid me in requesting for police assistance? I have no idea, all I know is, these two dreams needed to be written down after what I just woke up from.

Until then,

Yours Truly

Monday, April 11, 2011

Crumbling America: Day 1


Reviewing the current state of mind in today's younger America, it has come to my attention that more and more sightings of such freakish acts of, in my opinion, desecration, America as a nation is deteriorating. As a member of a younger generation of today, I did not realize how seriously my generation is destroying this country. It is becoming traditional to see a one-parent family, pregnant teenagers, tattoos, piercings, and other forms of bodily mutations. Materialism is also becoming a top priority of my generation, a generation I'd describe as a generation of "I want, I want, I want". Though even before truly realizing this, I knew these acts had to have been frowned upon and that these may be problematic. However, it is apparent that sadly, my generation is spearheading a new social reform of lazy, uneducated, lawless American citizens and that this is part of a much larger, more serious situation leading to the total collapse of my, no, our beloved country.

Notes: What I just wrote was originally going to be one continuous piece, but when I was writing about tattoo culture, I decided to break the whole essay into pieces so it is easier to understand. The opening was written as my wake-up call in the aftershock of my history teacher's quick lesson on how bad my generation is. I was so moved by this that I had to get my response on paper as a sort of thanks to my teacher for opening my eyes to the dangers of human behavior(And for finally teaching me something too) and so, that was the opening. The next one will come tomorrow as well as volume one of my Doubts series.

Next piece: On tattoo culture's growing approval.


Yours Truly

Friday, April 8, 2011

A story book

Just a few short hours ago, I decided that over the summer break I would try to write a fantasy story about a person standing up against a totalitarian empire. I'm not exactly sure what could go on in the book or anything, but I would like to call it a god challenge for me considering I'm used to writing essays now. It certainly has been quite a while since I last tried my hand at writing a story, so I would like to get your support my dear readers. Give me any suggestions you can. Together, we could make some magic with this story.

Short announcement

Tomorrow, I'll start releasing my latest essay in a daily basis. One part of it each day, then maybe I could also write down some of my volumes from the Doubts series. So look forward to the opening statement from my newest essay Crumbling America tomorrow.

See you soon,

Yours Truly