Friday, October 29, 2010

Post #91

Holy ravioli, I got 91 posts on here! That's amazing that I've held so loyal to my blog. I wonder when my 100th blog post will be? I should save my High school post just for that!

I know it was short,

Yours Truly

Thursday, October 28, 2010

New post

This is basically to give you an update of High school: A view from the writer's perspective. As of now, I think it's near done, or halfway there. I'm not sure when I'll be able to publish it, and hopefully it won't be so short, I'll have to use two topics for one blog post when I write the piece down on here.

See you tomorrow,

Yours Truly

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm doing good, huh?

I'm doing good on my blog so far. I've been keeping up at it like I did back in March when I first started it. It's pretty neat. Well I do believe I'm just about finished my perspective of high school so far. We shall see, won't we readers?


Yours Truly

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

There's a cat on the door!

Today while I was watching a DVR'ed television series that premiered yesterday night, my brother and grnadmother had left to go shopping and my smallest cat got out and we didn't notice until we heard a series of weird noises. I get up to look and the cat was hanging around on the screen of the door with a face that said "Please let me in, I don't want to be out here on the porch anymore!". Needless to I I burst out laughing even as I opened the door and she was still hanging on it. That's about it. Oh, and I've also made more progress on my high school.... perspective thing... and I've finished my virtue of generosity. But I don't know. I'm waiting until to tomorrow to publish it onto Virtues in case I get anymore Ideas for it by then.

Until tomorrow doesn't really come,

Yours Truly

Monday, October 25, 2010

Virtues is back in full speed

Lately I've been getting very very inspirational words running through my head and when I was remembering when one of the SBYSP people came into my study hall classroom last week and asked if they wanted to come to another room and talk about dealing with teenage stress, no one answered, not even yours truly, mostly because I was doing work and as mother always said, "school comes first" and when he left, I just felt so bad. I mean he was nice enough to come out and help these students and they just went about playing video games on the computers without so much a care to listen. After he left I just regretted my decision to put work over the forgery of friendship and the respectable virtue that is generosity. So just about a sentence in that virtue's summary by me will be a nod of the head to that SBYSP gentleman. Also, about the Virtue work, I have so far finished a paragraph. I am hoping to crank out more tomorrow in study hall.

See you soon,

Yours Truly

Friday, October 22, 2010

High school through my perspective

I started writing a little piece on high school and how I see it as a philosopher. I just thought it would have been pretty nice to write something about how I saw high school so I can look back on the piece and remember my high school days.... or at least try to... Well, that's basically all I am going to keep you readers updated on in my life so far. Just a new literary piece I am going to call "High school: A view from the writer's perspective". If you readers want to see it when I'm finished, e-mail me or write on my Facebook wall or send a message to me on Facebook, the choice is yours.

Hoping to keep updating this blog,

Yours Truly

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rallying support

Today's post is just to talk about that I am rallying support for this blog. As much fame as I am getting in my school for my philosophical poetry, and hopes of continuing to rally support for the school newspaper, especially for my contributions to it, I have also joined facebook not too long ago and so, I am going to rally support from the people I am associated with on there. For those that will heed my message to support this blog and are just reading this now, here is a few things that happen in the blog:

  • The blog features essays, poems, and any other philosophic works that I have created during my down time during the school hours like: Our Own Choice, My Infinite, or Again in the path of shadows.
  • The blog keeps readers updated on philosophical works that are still being made, like how I've kept readers informed on my essay on death and its connections with society, religion, and history and what it means to us today and also what it means to me. The title of the essay is "Slowly Dying: The thorough explanation of death"
  • The blog also serves for a documentation of my daily life and the many interesting thoughts I have run through my mind day in and day out. It also serves as a place to document my thoughts on subjects that are happening in the world around us, like the World Trade Center Mosque controversy.
For those of you still interested, I also have another blog called "Virtues" which I use to write about meaningful characteristics and my opinions on them, like the characteristic of strength for example. And that blog will be returning hopefully tomorrow when I write about the virtue of patience. I have a link to the Virtues blog somewhere else on this blog which I do refer to as "The main blog" too, but for those of you who would like to read my thoughts on virtues, I will post a link in a very special post script that will go at the bottom of this blog post.

Hoping to gain support from any new readers,

Yours Truly

P.S: Virtues link, here:

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Infinite

This is my infinite being

I am an ordinary being. My existence can mean everything to one person, and my existence can mean nothing to the next person. I can be remembered, I can be forgotten. I can be a friend, or I can be an enemy. I can be detested, I can be adored.
I may not be perfect. I may not be a great person, nor an intelligent one. I may at first have the outward guise as someone of ignorance. I can also have the outward guise to appear to be debilitated. I also may not be liked at first, but that opinion can only be stated by one man, or one woman at a time.
My ideas are wise in their own rights. My ideas are my thoughts, which in turn are my opinions, and the opinions I state are the words I write, the words I write are in turn, my silent actions. Of the rare things I say and the rare things I do can either be ignored or noticed. How they are each perceived are dependent on the subject viewing or listening to them.
I am a stranger. My name can not always be remembered, and my face can not always be recognized or singled out amongst a crowd. A random person may not be able to know my name, but somehow I can be remembered in some way.
I may face harassment. I may be judged on my appearance and actions from the very judgmental crowd around me. My ideas can be agreeable or disagreeable. I can be walked on, a mockery to those who surround me, and I may be ridiculed by the masses, but never will I break. I will keep striving through pleasant and through miserable. You can take this time to tell yourself this now, anything is possible if you try hard enough.
To finally the essay on my infinite being in this reality, I will leave you, the dearest reader with the note in mind that I do not have to be adored, I do not have to be loathed, My voice does not have to be heard, in my silent calls for attention, a brow does not have to lift to my direction, and I do not have to be embodied in the memories of those who will follow me. I can be an ordinary person, but my thoughts can be extraordinary.

That is my latest essay,

Yours Truly