Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fighting vampires in the 19th century is fun

I had a particularly weird dream this morning. As the title suggests, the dream detailed fighting a vampire in what appeared to be the nineteenth century, I have a feeling it was more eighteenth century, but I don't really care at the moment, what I do care about is that I fought a vampire that was trying to kill people, OK.

The story

The story plays out like this. it appeared to be in the middle of Spring and the dream started where there was a girl wearing a blue dress her hair was a deep brown color and her eyes were bright green, skin fair and white, she was also wearing a deep purple cloak for no apparent reason, that was walking down what appeared to be a grassy field of sort, although the narrow expanse of my field of vision at that point made the strip of grassy field just look like my back yard without all it has. As she was walking, she was approached by a tall and sophisticated gentleman that was dressed in period black attire. He also had black smooth back hair and his skin was quite pale. The day was bright and sunny and it was daytime, the gentleman I am describing is indeed our vampire, but I have no idea why he wasn't burning up in the sunlight, and he clearly wasn't a Twilight Saga vampire either since no part of him sparkled like the surface of a diamond in sunlight. Back to the dream, the girl tried running away and the gentleman then reveals to us that he is indeed our vampire by baring his fangs, grabbing the poor girl, tilting her head slightly to an angle and biting into her neck. Now most of you readers with any knowledge of vampires would know that our vampire probably would have sucked the blood out of the victim and turned her into a vampire as well, but our vampire did neither of those things, what he did was appear to extract blood from her, but she vanished into thin air and he caught the cloak she was wearing! He then smiled widely and wrapped the cloak around himself and proceeded toward, I'll say it's the camera, and we jump to our next location, it's in a house, and the vampire has chased a couple more girls including the hero, me, into an attic much like my own, just completely empty. What's interesting about this part is that he does unfortunately bite and make another girl vanish, but once he closes in on me and the other girl whom were back into what would have been the front of my house, but where I looked then, which was behind me, I saw that the room that appeared to be my attic had a whole other floor beneath it, but I saw nothing but the same floor, a metal contraption down there and that was basically it, then the girl screamed and I decided to intervene, I got up and punched the vampire in his face before he could reach the girl, then I grabbed his face and punched his left eye and then dashed his face a couple of time into the wall behind me, then I put him into a headlock and put his face to a window where light was shining through, he didn't burn up, but he did scream enough to emphasize pain. After that was done, I still kept him in a headlock and I actually opened the window. I pulled up the blind, opened the first window and unlocked and opened the second eindow before taking the vampire and shoving him through the open window, all the while, he never fought back or even touched the girl since she was right next to me. I could complain all I must, but this is merely my dream and I have informed you readers of it, because it is so strange that I had to share it with you.

Going to read Walden,

Yours Truly

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas post

I really wanted to, I simply had to, you probably wanted it, I did it. A post on Christmas! Now Santa Claus, being called St. Nicholas was actually a saint, he became famous for saving some sisters from going into prostitution just to support themselves, and we now know St. Nicholas as the patron saint of prostitutes, yeah, Santa is always jolly for that reason. How St. Nicholas became our Santa Claus came from a book written a long time ago that detailed St. Nicholas as a jolly large man that drove around in a sleigh pulled by eight tiny reindeer, I'd hate to have been one of the tiny reindeer... the art of decorating a Christmas tree, the tree in general, came from Martin Luther, the famous religious reformer who lived in the 17th century. He one day became so fascinated by the stars in the night sky that he decorated a tree with candles, and that the Christmas tree came to America through a German immigrant who brought his old country's tradition of decorating a Christmas tree with him and it caught on. However, the Christmas tree dates back even further to pagan traditions, since the tree itself, which was an evergreen, was associated with life and to give them hope for spring during the harsh winters.

So that's a Christmas post, I hope you readers liked it and enjoy the holidays.

See you later,

Yours Truly

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's almost Christmas

Has anyone reading this done any holiday shopping? Well my family hasn't even touched the Christmas decorations since we're all flat broke so that leads mother and grandmother into say it's going to be a "small Christmas" this year. I have a feeling they're going to say something like that every year from now on, since it was the same last year. As for me, detailing a Christmas list was like pulling teeth, even for me. I was perfectly content with everything I had and I genuinely had no idea what type of material possession would benefit me most besides sleeping clothes which I really need more than want.

Big news though, I've started work on a new essay detailing man's behavior in this day and age, I've also started writing down philosophies that we can all live by, and I've also started writing down a truly awe-inspiring follow-up to my original essay, Our Own Choice.


Yours Truly

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm back

I'm back readers. I've recovered from my illness and I'm still suffering from congestion and a scratchy throat here and there. Nothing a drink can't soothe to me anyway. Besides that, I have excellent news to share with you.

Yesterday when I came back to school from being two days absent, the commercial arts teacher came up to me in my lunch period and told me how much he liked my article in the school newspaper. I was inwardly joyous to hear such good news! I can only hope that on Monday, I will hear even more good reviews from people who have stumbled upon my article and liked it. Then again, what's there not to like? It's an article completely different from what anyone has ever seen, it's my school wide philosophical enlightenment project dubbed "The Evergreen" and with it, I will provide all of Burlington City High School a brand new way of thinking of the likes that they've never seen before.

See you soon,

Yours Truly

Friday, December 3, 2010

It came as quickly as it started

I've finished with Tears of Rose Red, and I have to say, it turned out quite nicely as it was a very short work. Short in terms of completion. However, that's how things are I suppose. As of now, things are looking quite up. I started asking for help in school like I'm supposed to, it's my blog's 100th post, I'm doing everything I'm assigned to do in school and I feel very happy. Aside from being the age of my least favorite number... ugh, hate that number! Other things. I probably will not release my latest dark poem tomorrow, I probably won't release it Sunday. I really do not care when I post it.


Yours Truly

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Birthday and other things

Hey readers, today's my birthday and according to my mom, I was officially eighteen years of age at 9:35. By the time I will have posted this, that would have passed, I type too slow.

The other thing

The other thing I have to talk about is I started writing a new dark poem called Tears of Rose Red which is a poem about the narrated life of one man's suffering living alone in a house of beatings and cruel, unrelenting torture.


Yours Truly

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Home sick

Today I stayed home sick with a very bad back, diarrhea, a fever, and nausea. I've no idea what caused this type of ailment, but tomorrow will be my birthday. Nothing to really look forward to there. just growing another year closer to death.


Yours Truly

Monday, November 29, 2010

Guess who's back?

Sorry I have not updated this blog in a while, I have just been putting it off until now. But I will make this blog update now. Oh, and Thursday will be my birthday, not the blog's birthday, my birthday. Thus, on the day of my birth, feel free to wish me a pleasant birthday or do what ever you please. I am not looking forward to it, because I never looked forward to my day of birth since 15. I do not know why either.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

High school: A view from the writer's perspective

High school is the four year time span in one's life in which it is the age of sexual experimentation and ultimately, of self realization. During high school, one discovers or takes action on pursuing their goals in life, mainly college at that point. However, while students going to high school are not spending their time working and worrying about their futures, high school is a mere playground of teenage emotions. High school students, especially female, start taking courtship unnecessarily even more serious than ever need be. As for me, I do not care for high school-or teenage in general courtship at all. For me, it is nothing but a silly mental game played out by two teenagers who only think they are in love with the person to whom they are courting. Simply observing two teenagers lip-locked in the halls while they should be going to class is seriously appalling to me. The only reason I think teenagers kiss in school halls is merely for show to others and not just a simple show of affection to their "lovers" because they can do that when school hours are over.
Moving on, to high school students, image is everything, because during that time period, they are experiencing puberty and the changes their bodies undergo cause them to try and maintain a "beauteous" appearance because they wish to impress the opposite, or in some cases, the same gender. I have seen it all the time in order to provide evidence on my statement. Females always have mirrors out and they always fix up their hair or put on make-up or any other type of cosmetics and they always try to just look their best, period. As for males, it's basically the same. A few subjects that I have identified as close acquaintances do take pride in their clothing and how they fix their hair.
Now it is time to conclude this essay due to insufficient subject studies. As I walk through the halls throughout the school premises, past classrooms with teachers that have taught, or at least tried to teach me in the past, past appearance-conscious teenagers, past irresponsible teenagers who have had sexual intercourse resulting in a pregnancy, past children listening to hip-hop music on the loudest volume their music players can allow while they sluggishly walk to their classes due to them being unable to wear their pants at the correct height, or in most cases talk with their friends, past teenagers sucking face at their lockers, past egomaniac school athletes that I could never in my life begin to even care about their sports careers and their accomplishments, past the simplicities of long-time friends talking with each other while walking to school or the passing teachers or security guards. As I wait outside of my classrooms and observe the children who stare at me and inwardly judge my appearance or speak softly about me to their friends by their sides, I couldn't wish for any better place to discover just how brilliant I can be and how chock full of interesting observable subjects in high school. Thus concludes my perspective on the ridiculous behaviors and social activities that ensue each day in this age of schooling called high school.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Announcement as to readers' concerns

I know I've said probably Friday that I would post my High school thing the proceeding day and that I haven't gotten around to it, but I do promise that if I'm noy busy for any sort of reason tomorrow, I will indeed post it.

See you,

Yours Truly

Friday, November 12, 2010

My Infinite Being is bieng followed?

Today because I had a substitute teacher in art class, I decided I'd follow up My Infinite with another essay that I will call Monologue. Like My Infinite, I made it all around just this following sentence:

I barely talk, but when I do, people listen.

that(The text thing really screwed up on me when I wrote "I know that" since for some reason, the blog post wouldn't let me change back and forth through fonts and stuff.) it's awesome, but I find it weird that when I think of something, I make something else entirely out of just that one thing. It's kind of like building a city. I just build one building, than I go on and build a whole city.

See you later,

Yours Truly

P.S: If you're waiting for a new Virtues post, I haven't come up with any recently.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's November

And my piece on high school is finally finished. Just about the only update I got going for me. I'm sure it's going to be a nice piece once published on here. I'm not really sure.


Yours Truly

Friday, October 29, 2010

Post #91

Holy ravioli, I got 91 posts on here! That's amazing that I've held so loyal to my blog. I wonder when my 100th blog post will be? I should save my High school post just for that!

I know it was short,

Yours Truly

Thursday, October 28, 2010

New post

This is basically to give you an update of High school: A view from the writer's perspective. As of now, I think it's near done, or halfway there. I'm not sure when I'll be able to publish it, and hopefully it won't be so short, I'll have to use two topics for one blog post when I write the piece down on here.

See you tomorrow,

Yours Truly

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm doing good, huh?

I'm doing good on my blog so far. I've been keeping up at it like I did back in March when I first started it. It's pretty neat. Well I do believe I'm just about finished my perspective of high school so far. We shall see, won't we readers?


Yours Truly

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

There's a cat on the door!

Today while I was watching a DVR'ed television series that premiered yesterday night, my brother and grnadmother had left to go shopping and my smallest cat got out and we didn't notice until we heard a series of weird noises. I get up to look and the cat was hanging around on the screen of the door with a face that said "Please let me in, I don't want to be out here on the porch anymore!". Needless to I I burst out laughing even as I opened the door and she was still hanging on it. That's about it. Oh, and I've also made more progress on my high school.... perspective thing... and I've finished my virtue of generosity. But I don't know. I'm waiting until to tomorrow to publish it onto Virtues in case I get anymore Ideas for it by then.

Until tomorrow doesn't really come,

Yours Truly

Monday, October 25, 2010

Virtues is back in full speed

Lately I've been getting very very inspirational words running through my head and when I was remembering when one of the SBYSP people came into my study hall classroom last week and asked if they wanted to come to another room and talk about dealing with teenage stress, no one answered, not even yours truly, mostly because I was doing work and as mother always said, "school comes first" and when he left, I just felt so bad. I mean he was nice enough to come out and help these students and they just went about playing video games on the computers without so much a care to listen. After he left I just regretted my decision to put work over the forgery of friendship and the respectable virtue that is generosity. So just about a sentence in that virtue's summary by me will be a nod of the head to that SBYSP gentleman. Also, about the Virtue work, I have so far finished a paragraph. I am hoping to crank out more tomorrow in study hall.

See you soon,

Yours Truly

Friday, October 22, 2010

High school through my perspective

I started writing a little piece on high school and how I see it as a philosopher. I just thought it would have been pretty nice to write something about how I saw high school so I can look back on the piece and remember my high school days.... or at least try to... Well, that's basically all I am going to keep you readers updated on in my life so far. Just a new literary piece I am going to call "High school: A view from the writer's perspective". If you readers want to see it when I'm finished, e-mail me or write on my Facebook wall or send a message to me on Facebook, the choice is yours.

Hoping to keep updating this blog,

Yours Truly

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rallying support

Today's post is just to talk about that I am rallying support for this blog. As much fame as I am getting in my school for my philosophical poetry, and hopes of continuing to rally support for the school newspaper, especially for my contributions to it, I have also joined facebook not too long ago and so, I am going to rally support from the people I am associated with on there. For those that will heed my message to support this blog and are just reading this now, here is a few things that happen in the blog:

  • The blog features essays, poems, and any other philosophic works that I have created during my down time during the school hours like: Our Own Choice, My Infinite, or Again in the path of shadows.
  • The blog keeps readers updated on philosophical works that are still being made, like how I've kept readers informed on my essay on death and its connections with society, religion, and history and what it means to us today and also what it means to me. The title of the essay is "Slowly Dying: The thorough explanation of death"
  • The blog also serves for a documentation of my daily life and the many interesting thoughts I have run through my mind day in and day out. It also serves as a place to document my thoughts on subjects that are happening in the world around us, like the World Trade Center Mosque controversy.
For those of you still interested, I also have another blog called "Virtues" which I use to write about meaningful characteristics and my opinions on them, like the characteristic of strength for example. And that blog will be returning hopefully tomorrow when I write about the virtue of patience. I have a link to the Virtues blog somewhere else on this blog which I do refer to as "The main blog" too, but for those of you who would like to read my thoughts on virtues, I will post a link in a very special post script that will go at the bottom of this blog post.

Hoping to gain support from any new readers,

Yours Truly

P.S: Virtues link, here:

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Infinite

This is my infinite being

I am an ordinary being. My existence can mean everything to one person, and my existence can mean nothing to the next person. I can be remembered, I can be forgotten. I can be a friend, or I can be an enemy. I can be detested, I can be adored.
I may not be perfect. I may not be a great person, nor an intelligent one. I may at first have the outward guise as someone of ignorance. I can also have the outward guise to appear to be debilitated. I also may not be liked at first, but that opinion can only be stated by one man, or one woman at a time.
My ideas are wise in their own rights. My ideas are my thoughts, which in turn are my opinions, and the opinions I state are the words I write, the words I write are in turn, my silent actions. Of the rare things I say and the rare things I do can either be ignored or noticed. How they are each perceived are dependent on the subject viewing or listening to them.
I am a stranger. My name can not always be remembered, and my face can not always be recognized or singled out amongst a crowd. A random person may not be able to know my name, but somehow I can be remembered in some way.
I may face harassment. I may be judged on my appearance and actions from the very judgmental crowd around me. My ideas can be agreeable or disagreeable. I can be walked on, a mockery to those who surround me, and I may be ridiculed by the masses, but never will I break. I will keep striving through pleasant and through miserable. You can take this time to tell yourself this now, anything is possible if you try hard enough.
To finally the essay on my infinite being in this reality, I will leave you, the dearest reader with the note in mind that I do not have to be adored, I do not have to be loathed, My voice does not have to be heard, in my silent calls for attention, a brow does not have to lift to my direction, and I do not have to be embodied in the memories of those who will follow me. I can be an ordinary person, but my thoughts can be extraordinary.

That is my latest essay,

Yours Truly

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A brilliant milestone!

Today I have reached a rather milestone. I have had my philosophical works read not only by my school's principal, but also by the SBYSP, and they wanted me to come into their office building and write one of my own quotes on their quote of the day board! I'm not even thirty! My philosophy book has even helped me land a place in the school's talent show. With this, I can introduce myself and incredible philosophical works to the entire school! If I win, I can finally get a trophy! Something I've always wanted to earn since I first started learning martial arts.

Bouncing with excitement!,

Yours Truly

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I have a new work

I have a new essay in the works about life and how we humans each visualize and what life ultimately means to everyone. I came up with it while thinking of how the life of an elderly clergyman would be led in the English Renaissance. I never did come up with anything on that, but I do believe my new work which will be entitled In Life Itself will be a very fun essay to eventually write. This is all that will be written in today's post. I still look forward to your e-mails.

I'm waiting,

Yours Truly

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My philosophy book is spreading wonders

My philosophy book is spreading wonders. It has started on Friday last week when I started writing my newest completed essay entitled My Infinite. One of the teachers in the lunch room became interested in my writing and he agreed with all of the ideas that were expressed in the book. It gave me hope that if an average man like the one that read my book can agree with my ideas and views, I can really be a philosopher. I ran into him again while waiting for my next class and he asked if I had written anymore poems or essays and I told him I had completed the one he saw me working on. A security guard that was standing there then asked me if I wrote poems and I told him I wanted to be a philosopher and that I write poems on all sorts of philosophical subjects. So I got my philosophy book out and showed him that book. I only just need to find the right people to show my philosophy book to, and I can be known all over the school, all over the city, all over the county, and eventually all over the state.

Working on my next essay,

Yours Truly

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday September 02, 2010

Last night, I had talked with a couple acquaintances of mine about what the world would be like sans religion. What I have to say on it to conclude the conversation is this, that religion to me may be necessary for the cultivation of civilization, but it is also made up from lies in order to make people feel better. It has also helped us to answer some early questions we've once had, however, those questions have been later debunked and thoroughly answered with the progress of science.
Religion is now more of a mental subject, now scientists are beginning to believe that we can 'see' God. What we may be able to see is just some early ancestors that are drawn to our physical beings and not God. The idea of there being some sort of creator just does not appeal to me at all. I like to believe my own theories about the world and I also get some of my ideas from science as well.
As a philosopher-hopeful, I see the world a little differently than I had at the beginning of my last school year. One way I see the world as is some sort of never-ending equation. This equation is Man's ever-lasting questions of life, reality, and everything in the universe, as well as themselves. Religion is sadly enough to me, a big part of that equation and for some, religion solves most of the puzzling equation of life itself. However, I believe-not with an atheist's point of view, but with my own undeniable belief and perspective-that if we were to take religion out of the equation and suppose it never existed, ever, than we might have a drastically different world. World peace would have been achieved and we would've only had one global war, this day and age would be an age of prosperity in science and technology, 9/11 never would've happened, and the homosexual community would be free to coincide with the rest of the global community.
Sadly, these ideas that seem so great and so wonderful, can never be achieved. Religion will continue to be Man's shepherd as well as Man's blockade. Religion has such a hold on us, that it may continue to distort our mentalities and that world peace will never be achieved because of religion differences.


Yours Truly

Friday, August 27, 2010

Post #78

Today's post'll be nothing. I wanted to write in this today but sadly I came unprepared. I'm still waiting on emails to arrive from anyone who reads this blog. I'm desperate need for topics for essays and stuff and I can't get anything out of my head at all. I'm guessing this post is a post about you reader(s) and emailing me. OK my email again is Please email me any topic suggestions. Anything you think I should write about, email it to me. Here's a list of stuff I've done so far:

  1. Choice
  2. Religion and its effects on the human mind
  3. The existence of good and evil
  4. Death and whether or not there is an afterlife
If you have any philosophical topic of an essay you want me to write, again, please email your suggestion and after I've completed the essay, I will write it on here and dedicate it to whoever sent the suggestion to me. I'm also not sure whethere that's all of the essay topics I've covered, my memory's a little hazy today.

See you soon,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hello again: Also an update of the first post ever

Hello again readers. I know I've probably lost a few of you because I have not updated in ever but I will be back here tomorrow or so. Let's get down to business here. I haven't updated in a while, yes, because I've been lazy and that is in my case a reasonable excuse. Now on my first ever post when I introduced myself, I've written down a few things and those things have changed over time. Here they are now.

Favorite TV shows:

  1. Pawn Stars
  2. Smoking Gun Presents: World's Dumbest...
  3. Tosh.O
  4. Bleach
  5. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  6. Man V. Food
  7. Ghost Hunters
  8. My Ghost Story
  9. Celebrity Ghost Stories
Favorite rock bands:

  1. Default (I enjoy their music very much. I think their front man Dallas Smith is a very talented singer and I hope to obtain one of their albums someday)
  2. Nickelback (I still enjoy their music as well, I think everyone in the band is great and are very talented and whatever, but a lot of people don't agree with me and they can all mind their own businesses)
  3. Sevendust(It's a heavy rock band that I've become interested in over the summer and I like the music they put out and I think their songs are great)
  4. Skillet(It's a christian rock band and all and I like them a lot, I think they're very talented like any other band I've come across and as a religious non-believer I still like their music because it is not all that preachy as you'd think)
My plans for the new school year:

I do have plans for my new school year and here they are:

  • Start eating breakfast every morning because I never did that and started that routine late into last year.
  • Join a club. I've been wanting to join a club all last year but never had the courage to do so. This coming year I plan on joining "The Arrowhead" which is what my school newspaper calls itself and I plan on sharing my philosophic ideas with the rest of my school though I have doubts I'll be able to do anything like that.
  • Do homework when it's given no matter what. I will start doing my homework and I will start working hard. I have set goals for myself for the future and for this school year, the future is now.
  • Continue this blog. I shall continue this blog because now I have my awesome past english teacher in mind and I want to fulfill her happiness in my awesomeness by continuing this blog for her sake. Why you other readers ask? because that woman was very important to me in the few months that I've known her and she had made such a huge impact on my life and also introduced me to my philosophic heroes and all those shenanigans.
If the above content didn't matter to you, I'm not obligated to care about you and what matters to you. I made this blog, I'll put whatever I want onto it and you will read it respectfully care about me and my opinion for the duration of the time in which you are reading this. Oh, and if you are curious to know, I haven't written in my philosophy book for a while now and since I've been notified that I will have the acceptable downtime(study hall) once again on my school schedule, I will probably resume writing in it. I have no idea, it seemed to me that every time I leave my home, I become the philosopher I want to be, meaning my head is cleared of insane nonsense and I start viewing the world as I once did during the duration of my school year after my enlightenment last year.

Further notes:

If you readers have any comments or suggestions on what I should write essays about or discuss on this blog if you readers are still faithful, drop me a line on my e-mail: Why that name? Well yellow is my favorite color, it always has been and always will be and when I first made that email account, the leopard was my favorite animal. Now my favorite animal is the strong, majestic, graceful..... rabbit.

I look forward to any emails you send me,

Yours Truly

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My views on the mosque being proposed in NYC

Lately there has been much heated debate over people building a muslim religious center two blocks from Ground Zero. I have done research online(which in my case was looking through discussions on it) and here's what I found in a nutshell: Basically people just ranting on that America should open its eyes and stop the Muslims from gaining too much freedom in the country and how Muslims are all radical and extreme and hate non-believers and infidels and how it's wrong to build a mosque near Ground Zero where Muslim extremists killed thousands of innocent people.
I won't lie and say in my opinion that it is offensive to people for building this mosque and all, but I'm not going to say "Oh it's wrong to build a stupid Muslim center near a place where Muslims killed a lot of people.". That's not me. I believe that we as intelligent creatures should open our own eyes and see the world for what it truly is. The individuals who have gathered hatred toward the entire religion of Islam just because of a small group of extremist individuals are really the blind ones that need to open their eyes. It is wrong to believe in something so crazy for just something that only a small group did. That's like me saying I hate black people just because the people I often see that are black aren't very intelligent. That doesn't mean I'm racist and I don't hate black people at all. I just don't really like the ones susceptible to crimes and street gangs because to me they are an embarrassment of their own selves. Just like the religious group that attacked the World trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11/01.
As a religious non-believer, I'd just go on thirty minute rants about these terrorist groups addressing their actions and how wrong their goals are and how if there were an Allah and that he were to really exist, he wouldn't let these people do this crap and all that nonsense. But as a pacifist and a philosopher, I did have to address this and I know these terrorist groups are wrong about what they are doing and all, but it's just these people. It doesn't make an entire religious community bad.
All I'm saying here my readers is that just because a small group of extreme religious followers do something really mean and upsetting, doesn't mean that that entire religion is bad. I would also like to say that I think building a mosque near Ground Zero is a little bad. But I'm not saying I hate the idea. I propose that instead of building that religious center near Ground Zero, I suggest moving it farther away so that it doesn't upset people.

See you next time,

Yours Truly

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Hello again, I have made another update to this blog, I don't think anyone's been looking forward to my blog recently either, but I will update it as much as I can. Just the other day I sat by myself wondering what life would be like after life itself. I believe it goes on to be an eternal rest until the day you are born again. Or maybe if you died wrongfully or you can't rest when you are dead, you come back to your most precious place and "haunt" that area. I believe when you guide a restless spirit to the light, that light is the light of an operating room where that person goes to get reborn and all that nonsense. This is just merely what I believe goes on after you die.

Sitting and waiting for something more,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I needed an August post

Well now it is August. I suppose it is nice. So far my blog has lasted the whole summer, I know, I'll promptly get back to blogging once school gets in.

Until then,

Yours Truly

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Writer's block is a.... something that rhymes with witch

Readers, as I have continually promised myself throughout the school year since the day of my epiphany and awakening, I wanted to have a summer full of philosophy and churn out essay after essay of marvelous literary masterpieces. Sadly, I am experiencing writer's block. I can not bare another day without philosophical enlightenment of some degree! I have to save my philosophical writing somehow.

At the wall,

Yours Truly

Friday, July 23, 2010

Another one

Another post today, I know I haven't written in the blog in a long while, but I just haven't gotten around to it at all in the last however long. Nothing much to write about. Indeed. I did not plan this very well.

See you,

Yours Truly

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Another day

Today is going on like just another day for me. Nothing really special, nothing really interesting. It all just seems a little boring right now as I write this. I do believe that since I won't have a study hall next year for school and I will have a thoroughly packed schedule that I will not have any time to write my blog or in my philosophy book. I just hope I can do something philosophical for next year as I plan on joining the school newspaper. Although, I think I won't be allowed to write my own columns of philosophical opinions and things of that nature.

Until then,

Yours Truly

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hello again

Hello again readers, I know I have not updated for a while, but here I am now. I figured when I viewed this blog I should update it and today was the day I was going to do that anyway.
Today I've been off for over a week from summer school and to me it feels like it's been longer than than.

See you soon,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Final day + other things

Today marked the end of my week of driver's ed. I'm officially out of summer school and free to relax the rest of the summer away! Ah, this is gonna be the life.

The other thing

While waiting for the school day to get out, I thought of something very interesting to point out. College degrees and high school diplomas. It baffled me as to how society works with education. Up until now, I've been pointlessly journeying through school and to what gain will I get from it all? A piece of paper and a hand shake? A sharper mind? how long will all of that last? College degrees baffle me even more. Why would people want to whisk their money and years away at studying for something to further your education when it will all result in the same cycle you've been through to get your high school diploma. A piece of paper and a hand shake.
It is a scientifically proven fact that at the age of 30 or around that age, the human brain starts to diminish. With this in mind, what would be the point in even going to college and furthering your education when it will all be withered away in time? Sure, you go to college to get a better career or something, but what would have been the point of trying to get the piece of paper once you have attained your career? The knowledge you have acquired over the years will only deteriorate as you get older and there is no way to stop that from happening. Yet.

See you in summer,

Yours Truly

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Post #68

Today marks the sixty-eighth blog entry on here. Does that call for a big "Huzzah!" and a parade? I know it doesn't. I do not have anything else to write about because I did not put much thought into writing this beforehand. However, often times I will think of something as a write something along. Take my Virtues for example. The only one I ever thought up before writing it, was my Strength post.

Wandering the Earth beyond my limitations,

Yours Truly

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another update

Another post to the blog today. I do not have anything to really write about. I guess this would be the length of this post. Remarkably just now, I remembered something from 8th grade. Writing about nothing. Indeed, I was wise even in my past life by utilizing my writing talents to establish that anything can be a writing subject. I just have to drag it all on and on. This is perfect, a good subject when you are at a wall of nothing, is to go around the wall and write about having to write about! Absolute genius! To me anyway.

See you soon,

Yours Truly

Friday, July 2, 2010


Today starts the second of July. I do not know what happened to the first day but apparently that was yesterday and I did not realize it until I saw it was the second day today.

Keeping a better watch on the calendar,

Yours Truly

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 4

Day four saw completion of my overall work and I am happy to say that I am completely work free as of now. Only thing is, come Tuesday, I'll have to take the vocabulary word test and the state driver test. I just hope I can pass both of them.

Relaxing for the weekend ahead,

Yours Truly

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 3

Day three and I've completed most of the work given to me. Only thing is, I'm a little worried about overall failing the course again since I didn't get a driver's manual.

Hoping to pass,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 2

Work, work, work, work, work, and more work. That's all that day 2 of the torture that has been and will be in "Driver's education summer boot camp wish you had passed the class... class". I will get to work on my things that I wanted to work at home with and tomorrow I shall have a driver's manual within my physical grasp. If not, I shall look it up on the infinite and dark resource that is the internet.

Until then,

Yours Truly

P.S: While hard at work in today's class, I couldn't help but keep on recalling an anime I've taken a liking to online called Gun X Sword and revel in the show's excellent plot and characters. It even threw in an antagonist like no other. A villain that's not only a ruthless killer, but also a really nice guy! It's amazing what people can do to tell stories, isn't it readers?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 1

Day one of driver's education has come to a long close. Luckily for me, it only lasts but one week. Sadly for me, there is much work that is expected. Hopefully all of this work doesn't choke me out.

Waiting for the five days of dread to come to a close,

Yours Truly

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Philosophy takes the wheel

Tomorrow I will be taking driver's education for the next 6 weeks. Ugh, driving. To me it is pointless if you have seen the road enough and seen signs enough to understand them that everything they teach you is just common sense. But unfortunately, New Jersey schools do not work like that. They put it into their schools' curriculum to teach driver's education. Everyone in the country always cracks jokes about New Jersey's bad driving so why would they even bother teaching the safety of the road if those idiots are just going to be reckless on the road anyway?
However, credits were withheld from me because I did not bother with learning to drive because I had it in my mind that if I never even want to get behind a wheel because of how scary the reality of driving a car can get to be, that learning to drive is just pointless. I also thought that a great mind does not need to get behind the wheel of an automobile to reach its destinations, a philosopher can walk within the walls confining his city, but his mind is always free to wander beyond the boundaries he sees.

Hoping time will fly quickly so I can enjoy summer,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Post # 60

Today's blog entry will be about people, society, and morals.

A lot of things in ancient society that was just like your average homicide case or gang shooting are considered very wrong and absolutely insane. To me, before Christ, it seemed like the world and societies were just fine.
To begin with, the act of incest, now considered the most taboo of anything any man, woman or child can perform is very immoral. However, royalties have done this in the past in order to retain are pure bloodline and the very rich have done this to make sure that their fortune belonged to the family name forever. Though, incest wasn't as taboo as it is in today's world as it was back in ancient societies, at least that's what I think. I think incest was just fine back then. Even so, it should not be wrong to charge incest as a crime against society. Incest is a form of love, even if it is within one's own bloodline. If someone is madly in love with their sister, brother, mother, or father, it should not matter if it is right or wrong. To arrest people and strip them of their love to one another, is just pure cruelty. If incest is an act of going against society, society should have no right to separate lovers. It is your problem and not mine.
Next, is public urination. If it is witnessed, people would probably be fined and arrested on charges of destruction of public property. Again, this kind of moral behavior to me should be an example of "Your problem, not mine" sort of thing.
Then, I want to explain how people think about others' actions and how morals can really be verified. Morals, I would like to think, are not really society's principles or anything. The morals we go by today are a result of society drilling this into our minds. How I would like everyone to someday believe or understand is that we do not need to think the way society really wants us to, but we should think of the world with our own ideals and beliefs. If the world were to be without set morals, I think the world would be a somewhat easier place to live, but I also think it would be more chaotic too. Whatever the case may be. Say I were to kick my dog in front of a group of other people who just happened to be walking by or standing around conveniently there to witness the event. Now, the first thing they would probably say would be "Oh my, that poor dog!" or "What a cruel man!". To me, that is an example of how morals written by society work. Without those kinds of morals, it wouldn't become a legal issue. If I were to kick my dog and someone would witness it, it would become legal. However, that is an act of invasion of one's own business as I might say. If you were to witness me kicking my dog and you didn't have society's written morals within you, you would just leave things be. If the said dog was biting my shoe or even if my pant leg was caught in its mouth, I would be kicking it for a plausible reason, to get whatever it may be, dislodged from the canine's mouth.
Finally, to conclude my entry, I would like to leave you readers off with the note that what I have written is actually how I have viewed the world even in youth. This is why I didn't care for most things people took to heart, like the Michael Vick case with the dog fighting. It was his and the dog fighters' own entertainment and their responsibility. It was society's wrongdoing for invading his privacy and all that nonsense. I am not saying society is wrong by arresting him for this, but I am just pointing this out to prove my philosophy of morals is that morals shouldn't be what society wants you to think. And that anything you do that may be wrong to others but fine with you, is your problem and that others should have no right charging you wrongly for your actions. If members of society were to live by their own rules and we still have the same establishments as now, like schools, police stations, hospitals and fire stations, I think the world would be much more at ease and that people could live their lives peacefully as they want to.

If you think my message is wrong, shame on you,

Yours Truly

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer school

I have to freaking take it AGAIN! All because I freaking failed driver's education for ONE marking period! It shouldn't freaking matter anyway! I already agreed when I made my schedule for next year that I was going to take it over again, so what is the freaking point if I have to take it over again? Why should I go to summer school again just because I failed something for one marking period? I hate this freaking state! I hate NEW JERSEY!

Looking to hire a lawyer,

Yours Truly

Friday, June 18, 2010

Can't sleep

I woke up at four in the morning for some reason and just couldn't go back to sleep. I'm still a bit tired and everything, but I just wanted to write about this in today's blog entry. As far as Virtues can go, I would say it's on hiatus right now and it kind of feels bad to put it that way. What am I going to do about it? I just can not come up with anything good to write about on that one.

Until then,

Yours Truly

Thursday, June 17, 2010


The 15th marked the official start of my summer and it was great to finally relax and get some peace of mind from school. lately, I've been at a writer's block with both blogs, so I do apologize for being absent from posting in them. If you readers can give me suggestions of virtues, I will greatly appreciate the help.

Looking for a sledge hammer to tear the wall of writer's block,

Yours truly

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A long dream

Today before waking up officially, I woke up around 8 and went back to sleep and I ended up having a ridiculously long dream about taking a car ride across the country and I woke up at 8:41. 41 minutes I had been asleep, and 41 minutes I had a dream that felt like it had taken hours to play. I suppose dreams can feel that way sometimes too.

Waiting for morrow,

Yours Truly

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Today I found the milk carton in my fridge completely full, when I was sure it was almost done from my brother inhaling it. When I saw that the carton of skim milk was instead half empty, I grew suspicious that someone in the house and filled up the regular milk milk with the skim milk that was barely ever drank. However, I put the suspiciously refilled milk into my coffee and it was just fine. Only now, I'm too scared to drink the rest of it, because that milk might actually be skim and I hate skim milk with a passion. With me, it's either go fat or go back to the dairy farm.

Looking to hire a detective agency,

Yours Truly

Friday, June 11, 2010

The point

Today I had my English final and I have to say it was a bit hard to swallow when that final was over. I was never going to see my English teacher again. Seeing as she was the first of my philosophy supporters and stuff, that does mean something to me. Naturally I never showed anything about it because I am of course a person whose emotions are invisible. Aside from this, I know in the following year, I probably will not have any supporters in any of my teachers, but I am going to try to be on the school newspaper and hopefully I can gain even more supporters than now. But, knowing the way the school is, they'll just pay attention to the sports. This is only natural, whatever happens, happens. It only abides by my theory of natural activity.

Pondering plans for summer,

Yours Truly

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Today went like any other day, I have managed to add one more section to my essay "Slowly Dying Inside: The thorough explanation of death and what it means". If anything, it was just a normal day, but only filled with more inspiration to my works. Now the question that is surrounding me since summer school is obviously not in my summer schedule this year is "What do you plan on doing this summer?". As for that, I can not completely answer that question exactly as how I want it. I do say that I am just going to continue writing my blog and writing more essays, but I do not think that should be all I do, I think I should do something physical and fun, like maybe take a walk around my city every once in a while or enjoy some down time at a park somewhere. I think I should be more active this summer and not stay cooped up like a bird in its cage. I have to do something rewarding outside the house. As a transcendentalist, I should connect with nature, and enjoy the outdoors like my hero Henry David Thoreau.

Trying to plan my summer,

Yours Truly

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The start of Finals as a philosopher

Today I will be going to my first period finals. This will be a ground breaking event for me because it will be the first time doing such a thing in my new life as a philosopher-to-be. I hope to have much luck on this test and I hope I won't have summer school again to spoil a good summer I have planned full of philosophical journeys through my mind.

Also, did you readers check out my new blog, "Virtues"? <-----My newest blog, check it out if you haven't.

Until next time,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Insomniac arrest

I've had a bad case of insomnia this morning when I woke up at one in the morning. I tried numerous times to fall back asleep, but nothing worked. I ended up just staying up the whole rest of the way. That decision proved to be quite fatal and ambiguously consequential mistake in school.
I tried to keep myself awake during school and it didn't help at all in the classrooms I went to that were hot, they just ended up feeling like warm blankets. I also felt entirely drained of energy all through the day, I don't blame it on humidity, I'm never drained of energy in humidity.

Hoping to stay asleep tonight,

Yours Truly

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial day post

Today would mark my 50th blog post on here. I would guess that's a cause for celebration. I don't really care at the moment. Well happy memorial day, folks.


Yours Truly

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Today's post

Today's post is brought to you by the number forty-nine. I had a dream last night that I adopted the most adorable fuzzy little kitten I ever dang seen. Its coat looked soft and fuzzy and was a nice red color, it had a soft white underbelly and it even had red eyes that were big and almond shaped. That was all that really mattered in the dream anyway. It was basically my first cat-oriented dream I had since around fifth grade or so. They aren't very numerous. That is just the cat lover in me. Nothing harmful in loving cats, is there? Unless you have feline phobia or are allergic, of course.

Until then,

Yours Truly

Friday, May 28, 2010

Waking up is strange

OK, today I had quite a weird wake up. As I was about to wake up, I felt like I got hit in the eye with something small, I'd say if it was a ball it would be about the diameter of a centimeter, and something made a weird sound like something was hitting a window pane or whatever, I'm not really sure if I really was waking up or not, but it was quite a strange and weird feeling phenomena.

Hoping the next morning isn't actually painful,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Brilliance: The Essay

Knowledge is a beautiful thing. The whole of one's life is made from knowledge gained from experience. One a mind has experience something for the first time, no one else can trod upon it, degrade it, or take it. Your knowledge is your treasure to hold. Your knowledge is what earns you your place in this world that you live in. Your knowledge is your own unique experience.
There will be others to compete with, there will be others to collaborate with, there will also be others who will antagonize your abilities and always want to shove you down on the rungs of the ladder to true knowledge.
To be human is to be brilliant. Each of us are human, we are not animals, we are not underlings, we as I the writer and you, the reader are both the same, you are unique, my reader. Learn something new everyday, experience is gained is so rightfully earned. Each day of your life shall be a yearning for new experiences and something new to learn. Please, shut out all negativity, it is completely unnecessary.
Your knowledge is the work of your entire life, beacause it is always positive to you. Pride yourself in your own personal brilliance, for that brilliance is your own inner strength. Heed words of motivation and push for your own goals. Your brilliance shall be your tool, it is also your own eternal, ever-changing gift. Your brilliance is unique to yourself, it is your own individual intellectual strength and you shall know it. believe in your knowledge my reader, and the doors to your promised life shall be opened.
Build yourself upon negative criticism and fortify your spirit with its harshness, no opinion is ever too cruel for you. Take pride in any positive criticism that also comes your way, that is a symbol of your achievements with your brilliance. Develop each day of your life with a positive state of mind.
No matter how unskillful or untrained you may be, do not let others that obviously surpass you, insult you, do not let them ruin your hopes and dreams, or crush your determination to do better for yourself. They are the ones who are afraid of you. Let no one stand in your way and let no one destroy the joys you feel and have once felt. Your own brilliance is your pride and joy, it shall also be the work you've done to hone it until the point you have read this essay. Keep in mind that many will love you, and many will loathe you. Do your absolute best and learn a little each day. Someday, you'll climb that ladder, someday, your brilliance will shine above the rest.

I hope you enjoyed it,

Yours Truly

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Here again for the second time

Here it is, another blog post written. I figured it was about time I got back on track with my daily blog. I haven't made a single update in a long while. Again I don't have anything really good to write about, other than the fact that my poem, Beauty of Nature is progressing quite smoothly along with my pep-talk essay, Brilliance. I feel that those two really should be included in my first book.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I have entirely too many nightmares about just falling off or over just about anything. Like earlier this morning after I had a dream about a Disney movie with an extremely awesome song, I dreamt I was in school, but it wasn't really school at all. I was on my way out and I walked into this area where there were windows surrounding the whole structure and in that structure there wasn't really a floor. What I was standing on were a series of raised and leveled platforms, some of them were so high, the next platform would be about a four foot drop from the top one or whatever. I was standing around looking out and I saw a lot of buildings that looked like the school and stuff, but not. I saw some kids walking out on the sidewalk that was below the building, then i started hearing a walkie talkie conversation like the security guards usually do, and I leaned over the platform I was standing on and I saw one of the security guards just sitting there on the next drop with the walki blaring the whole time. Then I wanted to specifically leave the place, but for some strange reason, I just looked over another edge of the floor I was standing on and apparently I was leaning too far out that my body just gave way and I started falling, I woke up as soon as I started falling off.

Trying to gain solid ground in nightmares,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Am I a Wanderer?

I've tried to tell my friends online about me being a Wanderer but they said I was doing drugs or I'm some kind of religious psychotic maniac because they're nothing but a circle of atheist high society S-class douchebags while I'm just a piece of crap they scrap off the bottom of their stupid gold plated soles. My English teacher said I might be a Wanderer and I'm not even sure what one is, but it's apparently someone who feels more of a connection to nature than humans, someone who's not really fit to be a human or whatever, I don't know and my turkey necked friends don't even freaking care. As far as I can go, they're not my friends at all anymore. What friends? I don't have any friends, the only follower I have on here that's registered isn't my friend, he's just s stupid pedophile stalker. I identify myself as a transcendentalist, even if everything my teacher showed me about Wanderers really spoke to me, my ex-friends won't ever freaking care. They're a bunch of turkey necks and all they do is laugh at me. They're nothing but lesser being jerks. I'm a Wanderer, I shall be awakened and freed from this hellish prison one would call reality! I'm not insane and I'm not on drugs! I'm here, wake me up!

Waiting to calm down now,

Yours Truly

Sunday, May 9, 2010

No pain, still no gain anyway

No more back problems as of late, but my back does still feel down. Might be officially recovered by Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Anyway, happy Mother's Day readers. Mother's Day must be very hectic and rewarding in a lesbian family household, as for a gay family household, the children probably refrain from it while the parents actually do the celebrating. Who knows but those people? I don't know what they do.
Mother's Day today is like any holiday and any holiday is like anyone's game. Unless you don't celebrate any one. Aside from that, I will continue work on Brilliance in Study hall throughout school. The media center where I usually go to write my essays will be closed until May 19th. i can wait for it, not like it'll kill me to stay away. Just means I'll have to put up with loud arguments of football teams, hip hop artists in jail, gang member wannabes and all the other usual crap that circumnavigates a street loving hip hop loving person's mind.

See you soon,

Yours Truly

Friday, May 7, 2010

The pain in the ding dang back

Lately something's steered me off course of my philosophical productivity. Over the past two days while I tried to redeem my work ethic in my new work, "Brilliance", a very severe back pain has put my mind straight to that pain and just that pain. Oh and I know I haven't been writing posts into this blog recently and I do apologize, it is hard to keep at something and a couple of my readers that I know haven't been reading my blog also, so, I'll try to get back on track and stay on track over the weekend. At least now I have something to blog about.... The pain in the ding dang back!

Feeling older than I am,

Yours Truly

Monday, May 3, 2010


I started writing down a new essay that is meant to reach out and pep up those kinds of people who are always picked on or always being bested by someone else. Brilliance is the one essay I am now writing with a clear and sincere message. "You are unique. You are not dumb, you are a brilliant mind, no matter what anyone else says. Continue to strive to be the best.". I am writing this essay to inspire and to pep myself up. There has been numerous others throughout my life that have always told me "You're never gonna get the things you want" or "You're too stupid" or "You'll never become a writer". I just have to keep striving. There will be people like that throughout my lifetime and I understand this. I'll just push them out of the way, both physically and mentally anyway. It's my life, you can't trod upon the weak just because you don't want competition or you don't think with my education level of quality isn't good enough for college. "Brilliance" shall prove everyone wrong. it shall be a starting point to a new life in the potential reader. It should set numerous goals and pep up the weak and downtrodden. As of today, I am the voice of the inferior and I stand for the weak and downtrodden!

Moving my office space,

Yours Truly

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I hate people. Plain and simple. I just hate people. People always seem to find some way to irritate the heck out of me. I can not stand it at all. If I'm going to be a philosopher and reach out to millions of people, I'm definitely going to learn how to deal with people. It's impossible for me if people irritate me.
I just hate it when people just have something to brag about. If you have something you take pride in, don't berate me with your nonsense and pride in what you have. Keep your pride to yourself, if you do that right, I won't go the whole time you're sitting their shoving your pride down my throat thinking about ways that I can kill you or at least get away. Pride is as much a sin as anger is. When it comes to me, someone else's pride and their bragging about it all the ding dang time, can fuel the fire of my anger. I am someone who's usually conservative and self centered, if someone wants to brag to me how they have something better than I do, they can be lucky their even alive. These days, I find myself now trying to be conservative and self centered and calm, but people are just increasingly becoming irritating. I feel this may be God's wrath on me somehow. It feels like God's just trying to make me jump out of the cage I created for myself and just rip someone's larynx out and beat them with their own spinal cord. That kind of stuff will put me in jail.
People should just keep their pride and things they cherish to themselves, because a lot of people are just lucky to be alive, well fed, and have clothes on their backs. It's just stupid to brag about something you have that no one else does or you're better at something than anyone else. I feel people should just keep things to themselves and kep their darn mouths shut.

Meditating to try and stay calm under stupidity,

Yours Truly

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Battle of the chocolate mixes!

Today, I've tasted two very different chocolate milk powder mixes. It was a very close competition, but I've decided the winner, and I will tell you guys what that winner was at the bottom of this blog post.

The reason

The reason I've decided to test chocolate powders is because I've been loyal to Hershey's syrup all my life, or rather, for as long as I can remember. It was over the past two to three months or so that I've began to wonder about Hershey's syrup. One day I just mixed up a glass of its chocolate milk and drank it and I decided it was just not right, so I repeatedly made trips to my kitchen to try and figure out different measurements to the milk. i didn't wanna throw the milk out in the sink since it would've been a waste of good quality milk and when it comes to my taste and chocolate milk, I'm quite the perceptive person and I trust my taste buds to the right formula. So, I tried adding a little of syrup each time. After about three trips and no changes, I decided it was enough and I just drank it anyway. Thus, i turned to strawberry milk, which i always kept as nesquik powder. 4 table spoons of the luscious pink powder was enough to satisfy my taste buds at any point in time. As I was mixing the strawberry milk, I said to myself as I always talk with myself, "Well if I love the powdered nesquik, and the chocolate syrup I have is going bland on me, why not give chocolate nesuik a try?". I put that off for a while and had an on-off relationship with strawberry nesquik and chocolate Hershey's. Until one day I just decided I needed the chocolate nesquik in the house for myself. I wrote it down on my family's list of things to get at various stores.

The Competition Emerges

For a while, I really did want that chocolate nesquik. Until I saw the competition. This morning I found a small box of Nesquik's would-be rival, "America's Choice Chocolate milk mixers". For about an hour I put it off and then I decided I'd give it a try.

America's Choice Chocolate Milk Mixers

I put the substance into a small glass of milk and watched it just pile right up on top of the milk and stared at it, not sure what to make of it, it was weird just seeing that powder that resembled coffee grinds, only lighter in color, and just sitting on the milk, so I dove my spoon in there and stirred it, what perplexed me and frustrated me is that the milk didn't seem to want to dissolve and embrace the powder. I kept on stirring the milk until I thought it was about done, it stilll formed the little black spots on the top of the milk that I've learned from experience with the Hershey's syrup brand that indicated that the chocolate milk formula was not yet ready. Of course, I decided it was pretty much normal for this, so I drank it. It had a funny taste at first, but as I drank it more and more, it became the nectar of the gods.

My verdict on this competitor is that even if its frustrating to stir, it just takes a few sips more to enjoy it, than any other chocolate brand I've tasted.

Nesquik Chocolate Milk Powder

I've always loved nesquik. To me it was to be used more as a thirst quencher than an everyday drink when it came to its chocolate variety. I never asked for it at home because I never saw it as an at-home beverage, that didn't mean I didn't like it. It was just strawberry powdered nesquik was even better. I came home from school today and wanted to conduct the taste test between these two new delicious drink mixes for myself. I found the Nesquik powder, but I was expecting it to be in the small package with the convenient translucent yellow lid on it like my strawberry powder mix was contained in. I wasn't aware that it would come out to be a big huge container! I mean, that thing was massive! It was even fatter than the big tin container of my strawberry nesquik I still had laying around. However, I didn't care about its size. If I liked it, I'd sure enough like it, it was all a matter of taste. I got a cup of milk after finishing off my after school round of its competitor, since the competitor was good enough to me to have a practice round with. I got my usual scoop from the strawberry nesquik packaging, washed it off, dried it off and dove it into the brown powder that was waiting for its moment to shine in the milk that would decide the victor.

My verdict on this one was it was very nice. it had a very granulated-like taste to it, I don't really know how to explain it, but it was definitely tasty.

The Competition

From my first sip of the newly mixed up nesquik, the competition was on, it began at the first down of the milk. I took a couple sips from each drink, since I had half the glass from the earlier mixed chocolate milk mixer made milk, and stood for a few seconds to decide each one. it was a super tough competition, I've never experienced a taste competition this close before, and I've only had one or two before. My verdict was finished after downing the America's Choice brand. it was a tie, but that tie wasn't any real tie. the competition also decided the next challenge that would take course over the next two days. The cereal and milk competition. I myself, likes having chocolate milk with my cereal and so, with this, I could find an alternative to Hershey's milk. I decided, I'd test the America's Choice brand in my cereal tomorrow morning first, and Nesquik, Saturday. If neither wins the competition, the draw would have to remain from the drinking competition and Hershey's chocolate milk would continue to rule my cereal bowl with an iro milky fist. I do look forward to the challenges ahead.

After Competition Thoughts

After the comtest had ended and I downed my chocolate nesquik milk, I thought maybe trying three table spoons instead of the instructed two, would make nesquik better. My loyalty to Hershey's syrup will never die though. I'll still drink the two competitiors, but I'll just leave the syrup to my brother, and use the syrup in milk, to flavor my cereal anyway. It was pretty much the only way Hershey's syrup ever stood up on my taste buds up from the moment I started disliking it.


Yours truly

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I apologize

I apologize for having not posted an entry over the last few days. I just kept forgetting and things have been a little crazy for me. Today, the entire state's school districts all had a "walk out". The students in my school kind of had one. They just walked out and rioted in the courtyard. In my lunch period, some kids started throwing food and the lunch ladies all slammed down the gates of the lunch lines. The school's high school vice principal came in and ordered a Code Yellow in which we were to remain in the cafeteria 'till he says to go. A whole line of police cars just barricaded all exits of the cafeteria and the officers all got out and surrounded the interior walls of the cafeteria.
It was just so scary and crazy today. I've even heard rumors that this kind of shenanigans are just going to continue all this week. Even rumors that tomorrow, the kids are just going to sit out at the back parking lot. It just makes me afraid to even go to school, but I still have to anyway. Rules are rules and laws are laws.

See you later,

Yours Truly

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Brains and nerdiness

Why is it, that I have to be expected everyday to have the most of them in my classes? Sure my classes are resource classes and they're all basically special education with the special teachers and the special people and all that nonsense. Of course, if everyone in my classes loved watching the History channel, the Science channel, the History International channel, and the Discovery channel, I'm sure they'd be on even terms with me. Then again, what does the average teenager watch on TV? MTV? Probably, knowing rapper wannabes. Sports? Crap yeah! Everyone loves that crap! Play video games? Definitely, that's basically what a lot of the kids in school that's I've known for a long time talk about. However, the person is each to his/her own. I like what I like, you like what you like. If only religions could see life that way...

A total nerd

I seem like a total nerd now, knowing a lot of crap, looking the way I am, thinking the way I do. That is definitely how about I'd say a good 85-90% of all people, especially other teenagers think about me. Refer to "Judgement" and know that I am just a normal person. I just don't have very good looks, I'm not tall, I'm not a jock and all that. I'm a good distance off from Taylor Lautner, to put that simple.

Until Tomorrow,

Yours Truly

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A new poem

Yesterday I've started a new poem while I was sitting around in English class without anything to do. I was looking around and kept glancing at the trees in the court yard admiring their beauty, elegance and just them there. Then I decided to write a poem about it. After I wrote the first couple of lines down I decided I'd make the poem symbolize man's oppression of nature and how overcrowding, urbanization and modernization are all stripping away at the beauty of nature. I could guess right now, anyone who would read the poem would guess it's standing up against what man is doing with cities and buildings and stuff. I don't wish to join a movement of preservation or anything, I just wanted to write a poem expressing how we're doing all this. If it changes someone or inspires them, oh well. If it makes someone mad and sparks harsh criticism or controversy, oh well. That's just the kind of stuff my hero, Ralph Waldo Emerson went through when he went down the path of transcendentalism and decided that what protestantism or any other Christianity stuff and so forth and its teachings were all wrong or whatever. He was absolutely right about how they made Jesus Christ.
Nature to me is absolutely beautiful. It's artwork and that's about it. I also don't think a whole lot of people can sit back and admire nature's beauty as they used to. Then again, transcendentalism is defined by a deep respect and admiration for nature so I'd might as well be an out-and-out transcendentalist like Ralph Waldo Emerson and the rest of the Transcendental Club he founded.


Yours Truly

Monday, April 19, 2010

Why the world needs God

The world needs beliefs in gods and goddesses. It is a human necessity, in my opinion, to have a belief in something to represent what humans can not compensate, what is the unknown, basically. The use of Gods and goddesses to explain what people could not explain was very well used and represented in ancient civilizations like the Greeks, the ancient Egyptians, the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Inca, all of those famous civilizations.
No atheist today can ever argue about the fact that gods were used to explain everything and that they dominated great minds of the past. The ancient civilizations used gods to represent all things in nature and to explain what they didn't know. I believe atheism is growing today because of constant advancements in the fields of science are basically explaining everything and that is basically where religion and of course science come and butt heads. Scientific proof and the questioning of the existence of God is what brought my brother to atheism. Why does God still exist? Why hasn't religion completely caved into modernization and science?
Based on my observations, people still want to believe in different deities like Buddha, God, Allah, Amaterasu and Shiva because where science can't prove some things, religion is still used. Science can never always explain everything, and people don't always want to believe in science, unless of course you happen to follow the faith of Scientology. Religion exists today because religion has by now been drilled into our basic instincts. Religion and God still exist today because most families are raised under religious guidelines. Our own laws are made up of religion because most religions like Christianity are the basic fodder for these laws. This is why we have laws prohibiting sex with animals, stealing spouses, having sex with children and other family members. Before religions like Christianity, those acts were all socially accepted and they are expressed in Greek myths. Religion will continue to exist because humans will not be able to live their lives without it. Religion has always been carried on from generation to generation.
Religion continues to exist because people will continue to be devout in the religious way of life and thinking. People just basically need God because religion is a spiritual guidance that is needed. It is human instinct to believe in something more to the story of life.

Until tomorrow,

Yours Truly

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Today's blog topic is about manipulation. Manipulation is something that is used everyday, most of the time, we don't even know about it. I've read somewhere before that there's several situations involving different kinds of types of this effect. This is a type of mind control that people use to gain control of another person.
One of my acquaintances online told me I should write a blog entry about manipulation, and with him being my closest acquaintance, I couldn't turn down his suggestion being at a loss for blog entries to begin with and for those of you readers who have my email address, you can always feel free to email me different suggestions you may have for me to write about in future blogs. Now, manipulation is also called coercion. Which from one of my sources on Google is defined as this:

  • To force to act or think in a certain manner
  • To dominate, restrain, or control by force
  • And finally, to bring about by force
The source I'm reading right now as I write this blog is basically manipulation in a nutshell. Now to explain how each technique works.

Tactic 1 is basically described as a way of controlling through softening up to the individual. On my source, it tells us that this method is used as this:

Tactic 1: To increase suggestibility or to "soften up" the person being manipulated by using audio, visual, verbal, or tactile drills. Its basically defined as that. other ways this method is used is through sleep restriction or nutritional restriction, which to me, is highly insane.

Tactic 2: To establish control over the person's everyday life as it seems to tell me. To me, this is the kind of technique lovers use when they are either dating or newlyweds. It also kind of sounds like kidnapping since its defined by the technique using excessive rewards and punishments, it also uses social isolation with contact to family and friends abridged, or cut short.

Tactic 3: To prohibit, or disallow information and non-supportive communications. Kind of like how a cult works in my opinion since it talks about group stuff, which is cult-worthy.

Tactic 4: Basically means you're making that person feel bad. The source reads that the effects are designed to destabilize(Oh, I love that word, Destabilize) and basically take down the person's basic consciousness, kind of like total mind control like out of sci-fi movies and stuff. it basically described how Nazi Germany might have been formed.

Tactic 5: This tactic says it is used to make the subject feel weak, powerless, inferior, and not in control at all through the use of intense and frequent actions and situations which are basically used to take down that person's confidence in his/herself and undermine their sense of judgement.

Tactic 6: Basically explains the humiliation techniques that the already controlled pawns under Hitler to make Jewish people or other said inferiorities established by Adolph Hitler. It's the use of nonphysical punishments, which are categorized with those humiliation techniques, the loss of the minorities' privileges, inhibiting social isolation, social status changes and other things those poor people had to go through during that rough time period.

Tactic 7: It says this tactic is defined by intimidating the person. Done deal there.

For more information on manipulation techniques and how you can avoid them, I'd recommend you visit this trustworthy source I found.

I don't own any of it anyway, I found it on Google's search engine

Until tomorrow,

Yours Truly