This is my infinite being
I am an ordinary being. My existence can mean everything to one person, and my existence can mean nothing to the next person. I can be remembered, I can be forgotten. I can be a friend, or I can be an enemy. I can be detested, I can be adored.
I may not be perfect. I may not be a great person, nor an intelligent one. I may at first have the outward guise as someone of ignorance. I can also have the outward guise to appear to be debilitated. I also may not be liked at first, but that opinion can only be stated by one man, or one woman at a time.
My ideas are wise in their own rights. My ideas are my thoughts, which in turn are my opinions, and the opinions I state are the words I write, the words I write are in turn, my silent actions. Of the rare things I say and the rare things I do can either be ignored or noticed. How they are each perceived are dependent on the subject viewing or listening to them.
I am a stranger. My name can not always be remembered, and my face can not always be recognized or singled out amongst a crowd. A random person may not be able to know my name, but somehow I can be remembered in some way.
I may face harassment. I may be judged on my appearance and actions from the very judgmental crowd around me. My ideas can be agreeable or disagreeable. I can be walked on, a mockery to those who surround me, and I may be ridiculed by the masses, but never will I break. I will keep striving through pleasant and through miserable. You can take this time to tell yourself this now, anything is possible if you try hard enough.
To finally the essay on my infinite being in this reality, I will leave you, the dearest reader with the note in mind that I do not have to be adored, I do not have to be loathed, My voice does not have to be heard, in my silent calls for attention, a brow does not have to lift to my direction, and I do not have to be embodied in the memories of those who will follow me. I can be an ordinary person, but my thoughts can be extraordinary.
That is my latest essay,
Yours Truly
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