Sunday, May 9, 2010

No pain, still no gain anyway

No more back problems as of late, but my back does still feel down. Might be officially recovered by Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Anyway, happy Mother's Day readers. Mother's Day must be very hectic and rewarding in a lesbian family household, as for a gay family household, the children probably refrain from it while the parents actually do the celebrating. Who knows but those people? I don't know what they do.
Mother's Day today is like any holiday and any holiday is like anyone's game. Unless you don't celebrate any one. Aside from that, I will continue work on Brilliance in Study hall throughout school. The media center where I usually go to write my essays will be closed until May 19th. i can wait for it, not like it'll kill me to stay away. Just means I'll have to put up with loud arguments of football teams, hip hop artists in jail, gang member wannabes and all the other usual crap that circumnavigates a street loving hip hop loving person's mind.

See you soon,

Yours Truly

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