Knowledge is a beautiful thing. The whole of one's life is made from knowledge gained from experience. One a mind has experience something for the first time, no one else can trod upon it, degrade it, or take it. Your knowledge is your treasure to hold. Your knowledge is what earns you your place in this world that you live in. Your knowledge is your own unique experience. There will be others to compete with, there will be others to collaborate with, there will also be others who will antagonize your abilities and always want to shove you down on the rungs of the ladder to true knowledge.
To be human is to be brilliant. Each of us are human, we are not animals, we are not underlings, we as I the writer and you, the reader are both the same, you are unique, my reader. Learn something new everyday, experience is gained is so rightfully earned. Each day of your life shall be a yearning for new experiences and something new to learn. Please, shut out all negativity, it is completely unnecessary.
Your knowledge is the work of your entire life, beacause it is always positive to you. Pride yourself in your own personal brilliance, for that brilliance is your own inner strength. Heed words of motivation and push for your own goals. Your brilliance shall be your tool, it is also your own eternal, ever-changing gift. Your brilliance is unique to yourself, it is your own individual intellectual strength and you shall know it. believe in your knowledge my reader, and the doors to your promised life shall be opened.
Build yourself upon negative criticism and fortify your spirit with its harshness, no opinion is ever too cruel for you. Take pride in any positive criticism that also comes your way, that is a symbol of your achievements with your brilliance. Develop each day of your life with a positive state of mind.
No matter how unskillful or untrained you may be, do not let others that obviously surpass you, insult you, do not let them ruin your hopes and dreams, or crush your determination to do better for yourself. They are the ones who are afraid of you. Let no one stand in your way and let no one destroy the joys you feel and have once felt. Your own brilliance is your pride and joy, it shall also be the work you've done to hone it until the point you have read this essay. Keep in mind that many will love you, and many will loathe you. Do your absolute best and learn a little each day. Someday, you'll climb that ladder, someday, your brilliance will shine above the rest.
I hope you enjoyed it,
Yours Truly