Sunday, December 2, 2012

Birthday blog: More on the individual soul(12/2/12

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me. I am an adult. I'm turning twenty. I don't give a crap.
Hint: It would make a lot more sense if you sang it in the "birthday song tune"

Joking aside, today's blog will be more on the very theme of the very essay that opened the door to my philosophy. The individual spirit. This time, I'll attempt to make points on self-reliance, the theme and very essay that started everything for me.

Mr. Emerson's essay Self-Reliance, even as an excerpt was the catalyst that I needed to wake up from my slumber of talents and be able to find a means of exploiting them. Self-Reliance is the ability to depend on one's own self and to become independent in every sense of the word, at least to me. Ever since I've given up sexuality, I've deeply embraced the idea of being by myself and being truly independent. Being independent in my opinion is also the humorous inability to take crap from anybody, even if you're working for a company and you got a grouchy boss, you can't take crap from that person when you have the spirit of independence burning inside you.

Even though I say a lot about independence, I feel myself that I do not believe I can be independent from my mother just yet. I feel like I have a ways to go, even though today is my birthday and I'm turning twenty by the end of the night. That';s just me though, I believe that I'll be able to one day go out into the world and give it heck with all i got. I'll get myself a nice house and a nice life until I meet my grave in the distant future. I may never have children of my own or a legacy, but at least I'll have enjoyed life a successful-in-mind-and-spirit man.

I want you readers to keep on keeping on and keep doing what you are doing to become independent individuals. Never stoop so low as tyo put on a facade that isn't who you are. be yourself and no one else, only you can be you and others may make fun of you, but they're just jealous that you're yourself. Never give into pressure and keep being yourself, readers, that's the best advice I can give to anyone, even if they've heard thousands of times before me.

Never be anyone else but yourself,

Yours Truly

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