Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Future

To get something down after a long time of just simply not posting anything, I decided to dedicate this day's post to what I have in mind for my near future. Everyone who knows me at least past my name knows that I wish to go into college to major in philosophy. I did some thinking before about that and thought that it wasn't exactly good for me. I always thought of college as a form of schooling in which you can really take hold of your dreams and goals. I always thought of college as that big step toward the future you so desperately desire. However, from my harsher, more negative, modern point of view, college is really only there to give you a hand in getting a job since most good jobs require college degrees. Thus, I can chase my dreams in college all I want, but I'll only end up feeling sorry for myself once I have that degree in my hand and no job at all. I thought that I should choose majoring in something that is guaranteed to give me a job. However, I thought about that, and  came to the conclusion that majoring in something I very clearly wouldn't like just to earn a solid paycheck isn't going to fulfill my life once I have a steady job. The other problem with that is that I would more than likely flunk out of it anyway since everyone who knows me knows I'm terrible at math and science and math and science is what unfortunately earns most of the paychecks. After all that has been said, I'm just going to say that I am now back to square one, but this time with plenty of plans, how and whether or not to execute them is going to be the challenge from here.

Until then,

Yours Truly

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