The reason
The reason I've decided to test chocolate powders is because I've been loyal to Hershey's syrup all my life, or rather, for as long as I can remember. It was over the past two to three months or so that I've began to wonder about Hershey's syrup. One day I just mixed up a glass of its chocolate milk and drank it and I decided it was just not right, so I repeatedly made trips to my kitchen to try and figure out different measurements to the milk. i didn't wanna throw the milk out in the sink since it would've been a waste of good quality milk and when it comes to my taste and chocolate milk, I'm quite the perceptive person and I trust my taste buds to the right formula. So, I tried adding a little of syrup each time. After about three trips and no changes, I decided it was enough and I just drank it anyway. Thus, i turned to strawberry milk, which i always kept as nesquik powder. 4 table spoons of the luscious pink powder was enough to satisfy my taste buds at any point in time. As I was mixing the strawberry milk, I said to myself as I always talk with myself, "Well if I love the powdered nesquik, and the chocolate syrup I have is going bland on me, why not give chocolate nesuik a try?". I put that off for a while and had an on-off relationship with strawberry nesquik and chocolate Hershey's. Until one day I just decided I needed the chocolate nesquik in the house for myself. I wrote it down on my family's list of things to get at various stores.
The Competition Emerges
For a while, I really did want that chocolate nesquik. Until I saw the competition. This morning I found a small box of Nesquik's would-be rival, "America's Choice Chocolate milk mixers". For about an hour I put it off and then I decided I'd give it a try.
America's Choice Chocolate Milk Mixers
I put the substance into a small glass of milk and watched it just pile right up on top of the milk and stared at it, not sure what to make of it, it was weird just seeing that powder that resembled coffee grinds, only lighter in color, and just sitting on the milk, so I dove my spoon in there and stirred it, what perplexed me and frustrated me is that the milk didn't seem to want to dissolve and embrace the powder. I kept on stirring the milk until I thought it was about done, it stilll formed the little black spots on the top of the milk that I've learned from experience with the Hershey's syrup brand that indicated that the chocolate milk formula was not yet ready. Of course, I decided it was pretty much normal for this, so I drank it. It had a funny taste at first, but as I drank it more and more, it became the nectar of the gods.
My verdict on this competitor is that even if its frustrating to stir, it just takes a few sips more to enjoy it, than any other chocolate brand I've tasted.
Nesquik Chocolate Milk Powder
I've always loved nesquik. To me it was to be used more as a thirst quencher than an everyday drink when it came to its chocolate variety. I never asked for it at home because I never saw it as an at-home beverage, that didn't mean I didn't like it. It was just strawberry powdered nesquik was even better. I came home from school today and wanted to conduct the taste test between these two new delicious drink mixes for myself. I found the Nesquik powder, but I was expecting it to be in the small package with the convenient translucent yellow lid on it like my strawberry powder mix was contained in. I wasn't aware that it would come out to be a big huge container! I mean, that thing was massive! It was even fatter than the big tin container of my strawberry nesquik I still had laying around. However, I didn't care about its size. If I liked it, I'd sure enough like it, it was all a matter of taste. I got a cup of milk after finishing off my after school round of its competitor, since the competitor was good enough to me to have a practice round with. I got my usual scoop from the strawberry nesquik packaging, washed it off, dried it off and dove it into the brown powder that was waiting for its moment to shine in the milk that would decide the victor.
My verdict on this one was it was very nice. it had a very granulated-like taste to it, I don't really know how to explain it, but it was definitely tasty.
The Competition
From my first sip of the newly mixed up nesquik, the competition was on, it began at the first down of the milk. I took a couple sips from each drink, since I had half the glass from the earlier mixed chocolate milk mixer made milk, and stood for a few seconds to decide each one. it was a super tough competition, I've never experienced a taste competition this close before, and I've only had one or two before. My verdict was finished after downing the America's Choice brand. it was a tie, but that tie wasn't any real tie. the competition also decided the next challenge that would take course over the next two days. The cereal and milk competition. I myself, likes having chocolate milk with my cereal and so, with this, I could find an alternative to Hershey's milk. I decided, I'd test the America's Choice brand in my cereal tomorrow morning first, and Nesquik, Saturday. If neither wins the competition, the draw would have to remain from the drinking competition and Hershey's chocolate milk would continue to rule my cereal bowl with an iro milky fist. I do look forward to the challenges ahead.
After Competition Thoughts
After the comtest had ended and I downed my chocolate nesquik milk, I thought maybe trying three table spoons instead of the instructed two, would make nesquik better. My loyalty to Hershey's syrup will never die though. I'll still drink the two competitiors, but I'll just leave the syrup to my brother, and use the syrup in milk, to flavor my cereal anyway. It was pretty much the only way Hershey's syrup ever stood up on my taste buds up from the moment I started disliking it.
Yours truly