Monday, June 17, 2013

Weird resort dream!

This morning I had a weird dream. Quite lengthy, but weird. It started out with me talking to my mother about whether or not she should accompany me for this trip. I said that I would go alone. A decision I would come to regret for this resort trip thing. So I went and then I found myself in a pool area. I was trying to do something there, I've no idea what, because i dived in then quickly swam back up, there was an instructor there for some reason, i don't know what and then I clung to this railing along the edge and walked along this little tiny edge all around the pool and then I got to a bunch of sort of submerged beach charis. they were all white and I was deciding on whether or not I should go and have a nice seat in one and then I saw two girls frequently looking at me and talking about me. Apparently I was rooming with them or rather was supposed to be and left their butts for another room all for my self. Apparently they had left their things in their room and decided to make me clean their entire room for them after they had acquired their things and left. How rude!
So I found myself cleaning an oddly ergonomically designed pink toilet with paper towels and junk and this is also where I figure out why the mean girls were talking about me the way they were. I saw myself grab a luggage bag from outside a room and heard a narration that said "Deciding not to room with the two girls, you picked up your belongings and got your own room. Maybe now you'll be able to enjoy the trip?" and then it came back to the toilet and then a bunch of people came in and got friendly with me while I barely said a word and just did what they wanted of me which was the whole shaking hands and pounding fists thing. Whatever, right, readers? And that's about all there is to my dream. Had I had my mother accompany me, she probably would have helped me in the pool thing and defended me when the two girls decided it was a good idea to treat a guy who wanted nothing to do with them like absolute crap because apparently i treated them like crap by deciding to have nothing about them.

So, long awaited, long overdue, hey this blog's back everyone! yeah, I decided that after waking up from a whole series of short dreams that I'd write this one down because it was the one I had just before waking up just now and decided i'd better share this thing since I hadn't updated in forever and a day.

Until the next time,
Yours Truly

Friday, March 1, 2013

Family Matters: Whether ya like it or not!

This post will be part of a three part weekend special I will be doing celebrating my finally writing again.
It will consist of Family opinion, my essay On the Human Mind and a special Q&A post.

I thought long and hard after college today about what my opinions are with proper families and crap. Thus, I came to the conclusion that I should probably say a little something about what my opinions are about family structures. So, in my opinion, a good family of human beings should consist of a mother, a father, and at the very least, one child. The said parents should both have good, paying jobs and both out of college and all that jazz. basically, responsible, working, mannerly adults. A family should consist of two parents to provide the roles of father and mother for the children they will have. I know there is a stupidly high divorce rate in this country because of many things, finances being one, probably. But honestly, if you can afford the get married and get divorced, why couldn't you afford to work with a spouse and have a family? Both parents should be fully invested in each other, so as to not divorce each other and break up a home and the children's childhoods, leading the broken down children to do bad things and any parent knows they don't want their kids doing bad, because then that makes the parent look bad too. I know, we're getting to the prospect of one parent families being a social norm and I was raised by my mother being my only parent and I really shouldn't wanna enforce a two-parent family if I was raised by my mother being my only parent and my grandmother being there as well. Still, I just feel like if people want babies, they have to wait until they get a college degree and a steady, good job and a partner that will stay with them in their home to also provide for the child. No running out of that deal, guys.....and gals....Point being, Family: mother, Father, Son, maybe Daughter, nay son and Daughter or Daughter and Daughter or heaven forbid a dozen whining children.

Seeya Saturday,

Yours Truly