Now as I think about it, when I am able to obtain my writing career, I might not exactly be happy with it. Sure, I will always have anime and manga to lift my spirits, but will I truly be happy with being an author of some sort? You would probably recommend I try and work as a writer for anime magazines like Shonen Jump! or try to learn Japanese kanji so I can make a living translating manga, or something. I think if I can somehow combine both of my great interests to be an anime screen writer or something then I would truly be happy with my job. Of course, what kind of Japanese animation studio would want a lowly American like me? Of course, why should I matter anyway? I am just as I am. A young transcendentalist who just can not seem to find a proper place in the world. I am the type of person most college quizzes would find better suited for working in religious places when I am an atheist. I just have no idea. I love writing, but I might not be happy with it, I love anime, but I might never find a job that deals with it every day.
Of course, you might say to me by now: "Ryan, stop giving up on your hopes and dreams! You're a truly gifted and talented young man." True, I seem very gifted and talented, but you should know that I spent pretty much the entirety of my life dreaming up dreams and crushing those dreams myself only to dream of other dreams to be crushed as well. I once wanted to be an entrepreneur and own my own restaurant business, but that would require cooking and constant financial stuff, crap I'll never have the brains or patience for. I even wanted to host my own television show! Something I could never do because if it got popular, it would require talking with people and meeting new people, something I'll probably never be good at. I'll just probably waste away my life waiting tables at a crappy run down diner for all of my life anyway. After all, I have to face the harsh reality some times and that just might be my reality. I'm just a child that dreams way too big.
Yours Truly
Yours Truly