Lately there has been much heated debate over people building a muslim religious center two blocks from Ground Zero. I have done research online(which in my case was looking through discussions on it) and here's what I found in a nutshell: Basically people just ranting on that America should open its eyes and stop the Muslims from gaining too much freedom in the country and how Muslims are all radical and extreme and hate non-believers and infidels and how it's wrong to build a mosque near Ground Zero where Muslim extremists killed thousands of innocent people.
I won't lie and say in my opinion that it is offensive to people for building this mosque and all, but I'm not going to say "Oh it's wrong to build a stupid Muslim center near a place where Muslims killed a lot of people.". That's not me. I believe that we as intelligent creatures should open our own eyes and see the world for what it truly is. The individuals who have gathered hatred toward the entire religion of Islam just because of a small group of extremist individuals are really the blind ones that need to open their eyes. It is wrong to believe in something so crazy for just something that only a small group did. That's like me saying I hate black people just because the people I often see that are black aren't very intelligent. That doesn't mean I'm racist and I don't hate black people at all. I just don't really like the ones susceptible to crimes and street gangs because to me they are an embarrassment of their own selves. Just like the religious group that attacked the World trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11/01.
As a religious non-believer, I'd just go on thirty minute rants about these terrorist groups addressing their actions and how wrong their goals are and how if there were an Allah and that he were to really exist, he wouldn't let these people do this crap and all that nonsense. But as a pacifist and a philosopher, I did have to address this and I know these terrorist groups are wrong about what they are doing and all, but it's just these people. It doesn't make an entire religious community bad.
All I'm saying here my readers is that just because a small group of extreme religious followers do something really mean and upsetting, doesn't mean that that entire religion is bad. I would also like to say that I think building a mosque near Ground Zero is a little bad. But I'm not saying I hate the idea. I propose that instead of building that religious center near Ground Zero, I suggest moving it farther away so that it doesn't upset people.
See you next time,
Yours Truly