Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The true morals of Good and Evil

Good and evil is seen many times in book, television shows, video games, stage plays, movies, you name it, it has them. Many things people tend to believe good and evil are is that good is a side of justice, love and the embodiment of peace and caring. Then they see evil as destruction, pure malevolence, always trying to berate good in any way thinkable.
Good and evil are always conflicting and never seem to win over the other. What if I told you, there is no such thing as good and evil? Would you call me a liar? Would you shrug it off? or would you argue with me and tell me I'm wrong? There is no absolute good or evil. It is only how we as individuals perceive one and the other. Good can be seen as evil, and evil can be seen as good. This is easily seen in the Holy Bible. The king of all Christians, the lord and savior of all of Christian faith, Jesus Christ is perceived as the single embodiment of all that is good. Then, his immortal enemy, Satan is seen as the embodiment of all things that are not Jesus. Yet, to others, Satan can be seen as a lord and savior. Satanism, is what I ultimately can say is the direct opposite of Christianity.
As for religion, it always seems that every religion tends to think of itself as right, with anything else, as wrong. Like Nazi Germany, the terrorists we're at war with, and even a rising Christian militia group in our country. There is one thing in common with all of them. They hate Judaism. They perceive it as evil, a lesser religion, something that corrupts humans, something that is eternally wrong. Why? Why must they think that? Judaism gave rise to Christianity and Islam? Why does Christianity and Islam have to make a small percentage of its members hate something that gave birth to that entire religion? Judaism is said to be the world's first monotheistic religion. It does not seem fair that they have to treat such a world-renowned religion unfairly and even despise it.
People can believe what they would like to believe. If a different belief has some bizarre effect on people and makes them say it's wrong or evil, does that give them any right to resort to violence and such foul behavior? Christianity is what I should believe to be well-behaved for a religion. With its ten commandments and seven sins, I do believe any devotee would follow them with their utmost intentions and desire of faith. It just does not make sense to me how religions can bend people's minds into saying they are good and that others are evil, then with the outside world, we could say they are evil and stand for the religions those groups wish to destroy or just snuff them out as they stand.
Good and evil are two different things, they are better known as a single object because one can be neither. One can never be the other without the other being the one. With what I am getting at in this whole explanation of good and evil and their true morals is, that good is not good, and evil is not evil, they don't exist. Good and evil, is what we simply see with our own individual minds.

Again when another dawn breaks,

Yours Truly

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What to do

What to do, what to do? That is the question of today's blog as far as I know. I'm pretty bored and at a wall of philosophical interests right now. If anything, I'm pretty happy to accept any suggestions on what topics I shall tackle in the future. I don't want to do anymore religion because I have already dissected all I wish to dissect from religion.

Until I'm struck with inspiration,

Yours Truly

Monday, March 29, 2010

Self Guidance: A guide to crafting your own world

Let your mind be your space and your space be infinite and open.

Let you personality be your Sun and put to orbit your soul.

From your soul, craft your world as you see fit.

Let your dreams be your seas, and your goals the land you shall walk upon.

Let your thoughts be your atmosphere and let them wrap your world in warmth, blanketing your being, but not plunging yourself to cold darkness.

Let the things you do, the people you meet, the milestones you set, and the people you hold dearly, carve the roads that shall spread across the lands of your goals and be the roads you trek, to success.

Let your imagination be the life that flourishes in your world.

Let inspiration fill the lungs of imagination.

Wive wings to imagination now, and let it be free to soar high into the sky of inspiration.

Let your creativity spruce your lands now, as its plant life.

Craft now, a boat of uniqueness and spirit.

Let your conscience be your sail.

Let your true being be the wind that guides your conscience as you sail through your dreams and through life itself.

Let your own self be the world you live in now, and do not forget about the world you have crafted within you.

Until tomorrow comes,

Yours Truly

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Physicalism, Dualism, new stuff

Today I learned about new types of philosophy that I can totally agree with that all tie in with Physicalism. Physicalism basically explains mentality and the physical universe. Our physical being, our physical world, our physical conscience. It's all pretty interesting. Look it up on youtube. Just type in "Physicalism" you might get something. The guy's a genius. He's my new hero by far. So move over Aristotle and Henry David Thoreau.

Be seeing you,

Yours truly

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Almost forgotten

I almost forgot to post today's blog entry. "Self Guidance: The guide to crafting your world" will come tomorrow, so check in tomorrow for my greatest creation yet.

Until then,

Yours Truly

Friday, March 26, 2010

Finished work

Today in school, I have finished my essay. I do admit it is very short and probably doesn't explain very much. but as I said before, writing an essay on the morals of good and evil, which I can explain in four sentences tops would be very arduous. I could just not elaborate any further than I have done now. Of course, with the ending of that essay, it compelled me to write a little thing I called "Self Guidance".

For tomorrow's post, I might post that on there. Whatever the case may be, I'm at loss for. We will see together.

Until tomorrow,

Yours Truly

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm always bored

I always seem to be bored at home these days. It seems to me like school is the only place where I'm actively engaged in activities and I'm never bored, not even when I finish my assignments or whatever. I think maybe the fact I'm never bored at school is because I'm not necessarily in a closed and quiet environment, but as far as school for me can go, it's pretty much only got the closed part right....
I do have internet and I do have television, but neither of those two seem to provide me with the long hours of active engagement that I need. It gets boring after a while. I don't necessarily have video games to play because I am completely against video games for the sole reason that they do not fulfill the exact excitement that I need. Plus I really suck at playing video games anyway, so that's another leading factor. I don't read any books, because I have all ready read every single book that I have ever wanted or was ever bought for me, and I do not feel it necessary to pick up a book and read it again because I all ready have prior knowledge of what happens throughout the book and it would merely be a waste of my time.
I need proper engagement darn it! Homework won't help because I never get it. If I do, it only takes five to twenty minutes just to finish it. I need at least until I go to bed to be actively engaged in entertainment.
Online manga doesn't give me enough entertainment as it is anyway, considering I am really picky at what is good to me and what will be enjoyable to me, and when I do find good titles, I find that not many chapters and volumes of the title have been put out. You could say "Well you talk an awful lot of junk about writing essays and being a philosopher, why don't you just write essays to pass your time, you philosophy junkie". I do not write essays at home, because writing essays to me are only for my downtime in school, so I could keep myself occupied.

Until I find fun where ever it may lie,

Yours Truly

P.S: No work has been done on the "Moral of Good and Evil" essay, because I can not write an essay on something I can explain in just four sentences tops.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A haunting nightmare

This morning I woke up from perhaps the scariest nightmare I've ever emerged from.

It started out with this narrator narrating haunted sites through a whole weird town, and then it goes to like a clothing store and then he says "But nothing's more haunting, more sinister, than the next location" and as he said that, it showed clips of a bunch of girls that were apparently really pretty. There was one Caucasian girl, one black girl and one Asian girl.

The Caucasian girl and black girl were apparently getting beaten up by a little girl ghost. She appeared to have short brown hair, I couldn't tell her eye color, but she also looked like she had on an 1800's style little dress or whatever. Apparently this little girl was a very violent spirit that never lets her presence go unnoticed in a photo booth where the narrator said most of her activity happened. Since every time the photographer took a picture, there was an outline of the girls face in any random location and at any random brightness in the photograph.

Then it went on to introduce one of the girls who were getting beaten up and she said "I'm never going back there again"

Another girl said"This is my first time in this booth, so I've heard a lot of stories about it. I'm not gonna get scared"

Then they interviewed the photographer and she said that the little girl's name was Naerti. The photographer went on to describe one of her most violent apparitions.

Naerti supposedly manifested herself one time around a bunch of girls as multiple clones of herself, all pointing at one girl and shouting "It was you!" almost like they were chanting it. She then combined all of her clones into one and flew at the black girl and started strangling her again shouting/chanting "It was you!"

I woke up after it showed a bunch photos with Naerti's face. I was afraid to even go back to sleep, because I was really afraid, I might see one of her more violent apparitions or the Haunted History phone-y might go to an even scarier location in that freaky little town.

One thing's for sure, if that town existed, I'd get some exorcists and priests to cleanse the crap out of that town, especially the photo booth in the clothing shop.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My voice and other topics

I do believe my voice spoken, is rather weak. People cannot understand it, or they cannot heed my words. I would rather like to believe that in written words, my voice is stronger. I believe what I say is powerful, but more of what I write, is much more powerful. They always say "The pen is mightier than the sword". In my idea of it. I believe my writing is mightier than my voice.
I believe in written manner, my voice is also best heard, because what I say in voice could be forgotten the next day or so, but in text, my words can be more memorable, and they can be read in another person's voice without ever having my words altered.
The reason I am writing a post about my voice, is because I started thinking about it on my way to lunch in school today and thought to myself "You know, it seems like half the stuff I say is interesting, but what I write seems more interesting than the spoken word. People don't seem to want to listen to me very often." Of course people don't listen to me because I almost never speak. I myself am a very solitary and quiet person. I just feel it's easier to communicate in the written word than in the spoken tongue.

Transcendentalism: Me?
I've learned about transcendentalism today, and it seemed to me that a lot of what my teacher's lesson pointed out, pointed at me. In fact, I do live my life seeing the real me, I do have a deep respect for nature, I don't include myself with society, and I don't base my lifestyle on how others want to see me.

A word to best describe me

I do know there is some word that my mother used to describe me, and I do believe that word is the best description of myself as an individual in the world. I hate not knowing that word! It is mot of my philosophical nature to not know it! Darn it!

How the universe does revolve around each one of us

The universe does work around us all. It is called "The Secret" by a growing number of people. That secret basically explains transcendentalism's true philosophy on human nature. Our lives, each day, are defined and molded around our conscious and unconscious thoughts. It's true for many people.

Yours truly

P.S: I've finished work on the first paragraph of "True Morals of Good and Evil"

Monday, March 22, 2010

A new topic

From today onward, I will be working on a new essay topic that I will eventually post on here. It will be called "The True Morals of Good and Evil". I've been reading a lot of manga(Japanese versions of the American comic books) depicting the age old plot details. A battle between good and evil. Consequently, with my philosophical understanding, I've begun to dissect the true morals behind these two things and what they really mean.
It will be an adventure for me since I am happy to take on a subject that not only extends from movies and such, but also from religion and everything around us. So, I will post the status on my essay's progress at the end of each post from here on out.

Until tomorrow,

Yours Truly

P.S: Progress on the essay has just started. So far I am writing out the first paragraph.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Nothing to say

Nothing much to say for today. I woke up really tired and so I just thought I'd need more sleep. I just lied down and closed my eyes for about a half hour. As for the explanation to my display name here. I chose Arcus because it was the first song on the first CD that I bought of the first artist that got me into New Age music. I know because I remember writing the group down to look it up on a site called Pandora Radio. But I forgot what it was, the next day. But I remembered again after listening to it after I looked up David Arkenstone.
There you have it. OK, I may not have purchased the Amethystium CD with my own money, but it still is the first D I ever got by that group.


Yours Truly

Saturday, March 20, 2010

R&theDofM: Chapter 4

Religion and the mental downfall of Mankind
Chapter 4: Conclusion and unmentioned topics

Welcome to the final chapter of the essay, "Religion and the mental downfall of mankind" I am happy to finally conclude the essay that's captivated my time and philosophical understanding of what religion truly is. I do believe that I have left plenty of information out that could be worth writing down, so here is your treat, dear readers.
Religion has surprised me with how hellbent it can become when it comes to controversy. Like that one picture of Lindsay Lohan in that Jesus pose. I do not see how controversial that can be at all. We see people do those kinds of things everyday, am I not right?
Next, I should have mentioned that "700 Club" televangelist, Pat Robertson, once said that the Haiti earthquake was God's wrath on the Haitians. He said that poor island country deserved it, because long ago, the Haitians made a pact with the Devil. I believe this televangelist to be the most religiously retarded example I can ever hope to bring forth. He has a long history of screwing up religious theories and saying ignorant comments. What proof does that man have to back up his comment that the Haitians deserved that massive earthquake that tore thousands of families apart? Nothing, I believe he is just trying to make the Haitians look evil for his thousands of brainwashed religious followers.
Christianity, is the most popular religion in the world. Why? Because of missionaries spreading their faith to other countries because they think it's right? Did they really want to just randomly come into a country of whom is practicing a religion that they have followed for all their lives and say that that religion is wrong because of various ignorant reasons? Or maybe it's because Christians forced the pagans to convert through wars, mass slaughters and all of that such things. I do believe Christianity was supposed to be a very humble and peaceful faith, not one that wants to control the entire earth and goes to war over. The same thing is happening with Islam today.
That concludes my religious essay, I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.


Yours Truly


For those of you that were anticipating a new blog post from me, I apologize for not getting one out yesterday, so today, I'll make up for yesterday by posting two blog entries.
Since the fourth chapter of my religious essay is merely nothing, just telling about how if my essay were to get published and made into a book, it would cause a lot of controversy and all that stuff. So there will sadly be no fifth chapter since I decided to take that out of my essay altogether. In my next chapter, I will go over the stuff I missed and stuff that should be written. Now I was still writing the last chapter while I was posting the blog entries and all. I haven't gotten time to write in it, so I'd might as well just write as I go and stuff. Which is what I usually do when I get inspired by something.

On to the next,

Yours Truly

Thursday, March 18, 2010

R&theDofM: Chapter 3

Religion and the mental downfall of Mankind
Chapter 3: Evangelical Mis-perceptions

Evangelists to me are like religious racists. Much like racism, evangelists seems to detest the homosexual community in completely unfair and unjust ways. I have taken this opinion on the matter that I have been exploring YouTube and watching videos of people describing their immoral hatred towards these innocent people.
There is plenty to go on about evangelist and their religiously retarded ways. Just because it is religion, does not mean that it can not be a social issue, like racism or sexism. Why then, must these evangelical followers go on trying to cultivate a downfall to homosexuality. Clearly, they have no understanding of what it means to follow a religion. They have no idea that gays are also one of their own in the Christian community. I am talking about a phenomenon known as the the "gay Christian". It is said that when a gay person gives himself to faith, God cleanses that person's spirit of all of his sins and repents him of said sins. The Lord does not ask this person or force him to convert his sexuality, because the Lord forgives all of his children.
I have not seen any word in the Bible that speaks out against homosexuality and declares it a sin. I believe evangelists everywhere, are wasting their time protesting against gays. This just might be the major mis-perception of evangelists.


Yours truly

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Religion and the mental downfall of Mankind: chapter 2

Religion and the Mental Downfall of Mankind
Chapter 2: Apocalyptic Inquiries

Everyone in this country, as far as I am concerned, seems to be afraid of some impending doom to strike our planet on the year 2012.
It has taken scientific research to the Holy Bible, the ancient Mayans and Nostradamus. The banned book of Revelation from the Holy Bible supposedly depicts the end of the world. Now, from what I have read, many religions have their own end to their own world, it does not mean that the Christian end of the world is right, just because it is the most popular religion in the world because it was spread through war. Back to my work.
From documentaries that I have seen on the History Channel, our Christian end starts with the formation of the Devil's Unholy Trinity. First, a man that will be called the False Prophet will gain religious followers and recruit members of the Devil's army in preparation for the battle of Armageddon. The Prophet will do this by using charisma and charm to pull in followers, and he will also perform false miracles, such as making the sky rain fire. Next, a person called the Anti-Christ will come and start a worldwide campaign and take complete control over the world. Finally, the Devil himself will come out and bring the Four Horsemen, led by the Anti-Christ himself. Those four will then spread death around the world. I have also seen documentaries say that our doomsday might not begin with those seven unholy figures, but by perhaps giant earthquakes, massive volcanic eruptions, a worldwide flood, nuclear war, disease, or a gamma ray burst.
I do not believe that any of this particular nonsense will surface at any time in just two years. I only believe that our end will come when the Sun burns out.


Yours truly

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Religion and the mental downfall of Mankind: chapter 1

Religion and the mental downfall of mankind
Chapter 1: Introduction

Religion is expressed in our everyday languages, has sometimes cultivated wars, was an influential part of our country's history, and even fuels cultures such as the ancient Greeks. Religion also gives us something to believe in.
In most cases, religion is a good thing. However, a lot of religious followers are perhaps pushing those great faiths to their limits. I am not writing this essay from an atheist's point of view as I really do not follow a religion, but I do not believe myself to be an atheist. As a former follower of a somewhat Christian faith, because I do not know how to spell my mother's faith, I have always asked God for helpful advice and why he would let his followers kill others just to have them believe in him and his son.
I've begun to question my faith when I was never answered or have never gotten anything from God. I knew then that I do not need God, God helps those who truly need him, so I therefore, need not believe in him. I have seen how even small things can spark great religious controversies.
I have even found out that there is an unknown phenomenon in the Christian community called the "Gay Christian". Now, evangelist followers choose to have none of any homosexuality to interfere with their journeys to Heaven. I have seen on YouTube, comments on evangelists and other Christians saying how much they hate homosexuality, even in some cases, some said, they wanted to kill any homosexual human being that comes near them. How can this be accepted? Are these people truly those calm, good hearted people Christianity always brings up? Or are they losing their mentality? You decide that, my dear readers. From my observations on these negative thinkers, it would seem that they believe homosexuality to be some sort of a sin. Now I know my Christian sins, I know there are seven in all: Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Wrath, Sloth....and something else...I keep forgetting the other one. Please send me a comment detailing what that seventh sin is after reading this.

Back on track of things:

Most, if not, all evangelists hate gays, lesbians, or any other kind of sexuality other than complete heterosexual. I just find myself wondering how these people go about living their daily lives holding an unjustified and otherwise nonsensical grudge towards people who merely wish to mind their own businesses and raise families with the ones they love, even if that lover is someone of the same sex. Homosexuality is clearly not wrong. What is wrong is these people and how they conceive such a matter like this.
I could feel safe to say that this is just one sign of a mental decline in humanity and its religious devotions.

See you next chapter,

Yours truly

I've written the essay in large text on bold formatting in order to best copy my penmanship, which is sort of large and I always write my essays in black ink, with an erasable pen, of course.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Change of plans

OK, slight change of plans. I'll release the first chapter of my five chapter religion essay.

That's about it. All through school I couldn't stop debating about whether or not I had updated this blog yesterday. I counted out six posts for the six days I've had this going on. However, today is a very important day for me. After this entry is posted, I will have had this blog for one full week.

I knew today would be important because I've gotten the number seven pass to my school's media center during lunch, this is my seventh post into my first ever blog. Isn't irony fun?

Hasta luego amigos,

Yours truly

Sunday, March 14, 2010

No idea

I have no idea what I am going to write today. I have decided to toss my next essay, seeing as midnight would pretty much be the dead line.

Now, about today. It still hasn't stopped raining, even started thundering here. I don't think it ever stopped since last night. I lost power for over four hours. I blamed it on my brother since the power flickered on and off periodically for a while until the power finally went off and he said "You know what? Just stay off." We haven't had power since then. Then at around 10 at night it came back on. A neighbor said the whole neighborhood was without power since 4:30. I just gotta say, Holy Count Chocula, that's amazing!


Yours Truly

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yesterday's weirdness

OK yesterday before going to school, I had an insane dream that really woke me up scratching my head. I don't quite remember how it goes.

OK, I do remember that I was doing something and a lot of these bizarre things came popping up like short clips you'd find on the internet or whatever and then near the end of the dream, I stopped in what appeared to be my great grandmother's house's living room and I asked myself, "Is it six o'clock yet? Should I wake up?". Then the whole screen turned into a white and orange slow moving swirling vortex and the time, 6:00 came up right in front of it, with all the digits in like chrome silver or whatever, and the two zeros were represented by swirls and a weird lady's voice in a calm and clear manner said "Time to wake up Ryan, it's six o'clock now. Wake up."

I really did wake up and wondered "What the fruit loops was that?" I looked at my atomic alarm clock and it was actually seven thirty-four on the dot.

Needless to say I went through the whole school day just thinking about that weird dream and I decided to call it, my "Inner Alarm Clock". I could have wrote about this yesterday, but I completely forgot to tell you readers about it.

Post a comment and tell me if you've ever had a weird dream like that happen to you.


Yours Truly

P.S: So far I have nothing planned for my essay. Sorry folks.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Out of ideas

I have no idea what to write about whatsoever. However, as far as interesting essays should go. I could write my essay on religion. it has five chapters to it, so I could start using those to take up my daily blog for all through the work week, staring of course, on Monday.

A new essay topic:
I will begin writing a rough draft of a new essay topic that I will tackle also, on Monday. At the end of each of my posts from Monday, I'll update my status on the draft so you can keep track of it along with me. The new essay topic will be about our human instinct of judging on appearances. However, I don't believe judgement of one's appearance based on mating habits would be any instinct. However, I do know that a lot of people do this on a daily basis. As for why I am planning on beginning the essay on Monday is because I need the weekend to plan my ideas down for the essay and to also research the topic.

See you tomorrow,

Yours truly

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Our Own Choice

OK, Here we go. My first ever essay

Our Own Choice

When you find yourself in a certain situation that would call for any options to be

involved, Do you say to yourself "I'd have to make a choice"? As a matter of fact,

whether or not you will believe it, each day is based on a series of choices right down

to the very basis of our own daily actions, such as brushing our teeth, combing our

hair, or cooking breakfast. I believe choices are always pummeling living

creatures every waking second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year of their

lives. Choices even run electricity and other stuff we usually don't think about.

Electricity for example, runs on where ever it is harvested from. Where the

electricity is generated is by choice of the man or company with the electrical

harvesting equipment.
Machinery is ran on choice as well, since runs on a series of data sent from

computer information, which is created by choice of the operator, since the operator can choose not to have the machines perform the manufacturing tasks they'd need to do.

I also believe cells run on choice because they seem to have choice at hand with tasks like reproduction, movement and so forth.

A lot of scientists who have spent a long span of their lives devoting them to studying animals have concluded that they live their lives through instinct.

I believe those instincts are a series of choices, passed down from each generation of the species. Most popularly, the Emperor Penguins of Antarctica.

I believe reproduction, evolution, and natural instincts came to evolution from the matter of choice. It was the ancestors' mating habits that chose the path of genetic altercations, fears, fighting instincts and all of those such things. All choice in my opinion.

Even breathing, as far as I can take choice to, is a matter of choice. Because when you hold your breath, you are choosing not to breathe.

Even our government and how society today works, is run by choice. The man who

wrote our national anthem had to have chosen to write down the awe-inspiring events that took place while he was being held captive by British Naval forces.

What we even believe is right and/or wrong, is driven by our own choices. In all truth and honesty, there is no right or wrong. Just how we conceive those two subjects.

Now driving in your car is one task where choices must always occur.

You choose to get into your car, you choose to start the car's engine, you choose to drive that particular automobile to a chosen destination that was all decided by you before you even got your key into the ignition.

Of course this excludes all of those fancy cars where you can push a fancy button to start the fancy car anyway.

A person can even for some psychotic reason why he chose to do this, can run around in public in his all his God-given glory screaming like a maniac.

The person can choose to say that his actions were right or wrong anyway because it is his choice to conceive right and wrong, not the government's or society's choice.

On the subject of government, the government can make a law based upon what they choose to do about running the nation and whether this law is good or bad, is chosen by government, and eventually the nation.

I have concluded in my research on choice that there can't be a right or wrong, a good or bad, fairness or unfairness. It is all determined by choice. All of life is directed by choice of our conscious or unconscious minds.

For example, even I chose to write this essay into today's blog.

Hope you enjoyed it,

Yours truly

Much of the original essay was either chopped out or re-worded to make more sense. I am sorry if it does look choppy or unorganized.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Here again

I'm here again now. So I guess I could get used to blogging.

Anyway, I won't be writing my promised essay for today's blog. Yesterday I was just toying around with all of the test features that I've found here. So now I will talk about an event that happened to me today.

Today while I was in my school's library, I became fascinated with this book called "Faiths of Mankind". As I was reading it, I flipped a page and little did I know, a prize was inside! I found out that my brother had used the book last year to write notes on an essay he never even did for the supposed class.

I think today's blog will be um, really short today since I don't have very much to talk about. Well, I do promise to write for you potential readers, my "Our Own Choice" essay. Yeah.


Yours Truly

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Introducing myself

Hi, I'm new here and this is the first time doing anything other than spending my time on the internet reading online manga, listening to music, and um, other stuff no usual teen does. First off I was recommended to create a blog here because I've been writing down essays on religion, spiritual stuff, human mentality, and all that other crazy stuff. So tomorrow I'll write down my first ever essay that I've ever written, titled "Our Own Choice". Right now I will introduce myself. But I feel it'd be easier to do it by listing so here we go.

Favorite T.V shows:
  • Ghost hunters
  • Ghost Adventures
  • Man Vs. Food
  • Pawn Stars
  • American Pickers
  • Sci-Fi Science
  • Bleach
  • The Buried Life
  • Ghostly Encounters
  • Celebrity Ghost Stories
Stuff I liked on T.V but got cancelled or whatever:
  • Lock n' Load: With R. Lee Ermey
  • Blood+
  • FLCL
  • Full Metal Alchemist
  • Gundam 00
  • Cats 101
Bands I like:
  1. Default
  2. Evanescence
  3. Kamelot
  4. Lacuna Coil
  5. Nickelback
  6. Breaking Benjamin
  7. Amethystium
  8. 3 Doors Down
  9. 12 Stones
I like my fair share of bands. Though Amethystium isn't really a band more than it is a New Age music group.

I write a lot of essays because I had an epiphany of some sort that really compelled me to write essays tackling my ideas and takes on different subjects that really wouldn't come to the mind of anyone my age.
So that's about it for my first blog here. That should be a good introduction of myself, right?

More to come....Maybe
Yours truly